Today I was surfing on the web and found this article which says that at 168 lbs I should be consuming about 250-300g of protein a day. WTF? I don't really see how I can get that much protein in my diet, particularly as a vegetarian and a broke-ass college student. Also, it was my understanding that the human body can only process around 30g of protein per hour. Wouldn't that mean eating 10 meals a day?
Right now I eat a sickening amount of boca burgers at 15g each and lots of protein shakes at 23g each. I also eat peanut butter, pasta dishes, dishes containing vegetables and cheese, fruit, etc. All of this stuffing myself throughout the day usually adds up to 150g or so of protein. I thought I was doing a pretty good job (although I haven't been seeing gains so hrmm) Also I am trying to prevent fat gain and if possible promote fat loss through a calorie-controlling diet and cardio. How can I get 200+ grams of protein daily without sending my calorie intake through the roof?
Right now I eat a sickening amount of boca burgers at 15g each and lots of protein shakes at 23g each. I also eat peanut butter, pasta dishes, dishes containing vegetables and cheese, fruit, etc. All of this stuffing myself throughout the day usually adds up to 150g or so of protein. I thought I was doing a pretty good job (although I haven't been seeing gains so hrmm) Also I am trying to prevent fat gain and if possible promote fat loss through a calorie-controlling diet and cardio. How can I get 200+ grams of protein daily without sending my calorie intake through the roof?