how much protein do I need?

I just started taking Designer Whey protein and I'm not sure how much to take. The packaging recommneds 3-9 scoops per day. I looked online and I've seen people recommend as high as 1g/lbs of bodyweight to as low as .8g/kg of bodyweight. Anyone know how much is optimal? I do weight training for about an hour 3 days a week and HIIT for about 20 minutes 2 times a week. Thx
start with the lower number and if you're currently eating no where near that amount slowly up your numbers. get as much from solid food as you can before you use the powder.
i try to take in 40 grams of protein , every 3 hours. So weather it comes from my food , or from my protein shakes thats the way i do it. I'd say if your trying to gain muscle, and bulk up, I'd recommend 1.5g of protein per body lb.
yeah, if your looking to bulk or have some muscle gains, its a key to take at least 1 gram per pound... For example (Barney Style, lol) I am 240 lbs... So I am trying to take in at least 240 grams of protien a day...
I take 3 shakes a day (24 grams per) and try to eat at least one can of tuna and 1 or 2 chicken breasts through the day...