Weight-Loss How much natural sugar is too much?



New member
For my diet i was thinking of adding 20g of Honey which contains 15.6g of sugar and eating 12 Fruits a day(Apples, Mandarin's and berries). So that would be over 50g of sugar a day..

Studies say that natural sugar(Those from fruits) are healthy for the body but taken too much can be bad...

So the amount i'm planning to take a day(60g+) is it bad for me?
I'm sure you have heard this answer before, but it does depend. Natural sugar comes attached to fiber most the time (think of most if not all fruits). So, that basically means that the sugar from these fruits are not all absorbed. This is because the sugar attached to fiber (which doesn't get absorbed) passes through the body without being sucked up into the small intestines. This is good. Now honey, while natural, has no fiber connected to it, so as it goes, this would be absorbed more rapidly and thus where you run into the issues with sugar and the human body. Hope that helps :)
I'm sure you have heard this answer before, but it does depend. Natural sugar comes attached to fiber most the time (think of most if not all fruits). So, that basically means that the sugar from these fruits are not all absorbed. This is because the sugar attached to fiber (which doesn't get absorbed) passes through the body without being sucked up into the small intestines. This is good. Now honey, while natural, has no fiber connected to it, so as it goes, this would be absorbed more rapidly and thus where you run into the issues with sugar and the human body. Hope that helps :)
Thank you for replying! :)
Also Honey would be save if not consumed more than 40g of sugar?
Thank you for replying! :)
Also Honey would be save if not consumed more than 40g of sugar?

The trouble with refined sugar is primarily found in the absense of fiber with which most sugars come attached. In the case of honey, doing your best to stay under 40g would be a good idea. Another option is to eat your sugar with fiber, as this will negate some of the absorption of the sugar directly into the bloodstream