Weight-Loss how much is too much?



New member
I could use some help/advice. I normally weigh 134-5 pounds but have gained a few, which puts me at 138 right now. I can see a good deal of body fat around my middle. I exercise 4 times a week and do crunches or weights on my off days, so I'm fit otherwise. My problem is during the work week, I can't gauge how much food is too much. When I get home it seems like I'm STARVING, even if I eat plenty for breakfast and lunch. How can I bring more structure to the afternoons?

Does this seem like too many calories for one day? If so how can I cut back without depriving myself?

breakfast: 1 chocolate soy pudding, 1 fiber one granola bar
lunch: soy chili (with veggies), white rice & 1 cupcake

around 6pm:

dinner: mashed potatoes and 5 scallops
snack: apricots, handful of walnuts, 3 pita chips, 1 starburst candy

around 9pm before bed: (I was hungry again after working out for 30 mins)

late night dinner - soy chili & mashed potato corn tortilla tacos

the cupcake was offered by a coworker, so it would be rude to refuse. Plus I doubt that a cupcake once in a while will really make a huge difference. Usually I don't snack on baked sweets.
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I think if you add more protein to your breakfast and lunch you won't be as starving when you get home. Try some hard boiled egg whites or an omlette for breakfast and add some chicken or tuna to your lunch. If you are a vegetarian maybe a soy protein shake.
Personally I don't think those fiber bars are very good for you because of all the sugar in them. I would have some yogurt & all bran buds or oatmeal w berries instead. Sometimes when I have oatmeal for breakfast and salad for lunch I feel starving when I get home but if I add tuna to the salad and have a protein shake for a snack I don't feel as hungry. Maybe a snack closer to the end of the day would help too like a banana or apple.
thanks Chubbygirl, those are great ideas.

Lately I have been buying some Greek yogurt for breakfast which is supposed to contain more protein. Plus dairy helps to keep me fuller longer.

Tomorrow I think I'll try eggs for breakfast.

I don't think I need a soy protein shake since soy already has enough protein (and I eat plenty of soy). Thankfully I am not a total vegetarian -- I just don't eat red meat. I don't know how the vegetarians do it!! :eek:

Today I brought some prunes to snack on at the end of the work day instead of after work. I will see if this helps.
i reckon u'd be able to answer ur own question if u did a bit of calorie tracking.
some ppl say it can be quite an obssessive habit to get into. but it worked for me, so it could for you!!
i always know how much i consume. and how much i burn.
then there's no umming and ahhing and its all straightforward.
The only thing I wanted to add is that it is always ok to refuse a cupcake. I have never been upset or insulted (and I would bake for work a lot!) if someone didn't want to eat something I made for health reasons.

And if she got that cupcake from a store you have even less obligation to eat it.

Is it worth the extra 600-1000 calories to chance hurting someones feelings?

And if it's that bad of a guilt trip for you take it and say you'll eat it later.

I'm not trying to be mean, but this is how it always started for me. I would try and do good on diets and then my friend would want to get ice cream or Taco Bell, and they would guilt me into getting something bad for me by making fun of my healthy choices. Was it my friend fault I got fat? Nope. My fault. You can't blame anyone else.

Next time, if you don't WANT the cupcake, don't take it.