How much is food and drink in california??

Hi there, i have a question for those of you who reside in Cali as im thinking of going on holiday there in april/may time

I would like to know how much is average supermarket food? and bottles of beer in supermarkets and bars?

Jackie xxx
To be honest, I have not had a drink at a bar in a over a year... Roughly last year, it was about 5-10 dollars per beer at the club. Yes prices does vary from bar to bar. I think mix drinks are btw 8-15 dollar.

Beer at the supermarket is cheap, I guess: roughly $0.75 to $1.50 per bottle if you buy a case of 6+. Gas is roughly $2.00 a gallon which is cheap compared to UK / france. Cali is a little cheaper than London, about 10-15% cheaper in most city.
Depends on what stores.

The more mainstream stores like Safeway and Lucky are pretty expensive. Trader Joe's is usually less expensive, but has limited selection and mostly house brand items. Asian stores have a good selection of vegetables, fish, and tofu.