Sport How much DID i mess this up??

Sport Fitness
So i've been cutting for a number of weeks now, everything was going fine. I'm 6'0, 187 pounds, 23 years old, and male, goal weight around 165=170. For the last 6 weeks i weighed myself each monday, its been consistant...till this week, no change, which was surprising considering i felt LESS energy in my body this week and figured id get more results.

Anyway, i re-did my calorie calculations and given my regiment (4 days cardio, 3 lifting), i should be taking in ~2000 calories a day....while i have been taking in only 1600.

So my question is this: Can i simply bump my calories/day up to 2000 right away, or will that jump kill my cutting? I have heard small incremental increases are the way to go, but i dont know if it applies to this kind of number.

Thanks very much ^^
i dont think you really messed anything up perse. this also probably the reason you were lacking energy. Youll notice those 400-500 calories will make a huge difference in energy levels.

As far as if you should slowly increase, i dont think it would make a huge difference. It certainly wouldnt HURT to do it slowly. It might come as a shock to the body the first day or so, but like i said, your body was looking for that energy anyway, it will soon adapt to the increase in calories