Sport How much Carbs?

Sport Fitness
Hello, I posted this question yesterday in the new member section but I think the post was too long and it was probably the wrong place for it.

What is the rule of thumb on how many carbs and fats do you need?

When I start my new diet on monday I have figured since I'm 5'9, 195lbs, and 23 years old that my calories per day are around 2620. To meet my goal in losing weight I was goign to take it down to about 2150 and using the 1.5g/lb rule for proteins I need about 292.5g of protein a day? But what about Carbs and Fats?

Any Help would be much appreciated!
you want at least 25% of your daily calories from fat, up to 35%, especially if you're taking in a lot of essential fatty acids.

so calculate your fat intake and whatever's leftover is carbs.

its a fairly basic way to do a diet. you could add carb cycling in there, and as you lower carbs, just increase the protein, and just a little more fat...mostly protein.
Hello, I posted this question yesterday in the new member section but I think the post was too long and it was probably the wrong place for it.

What is the rule of thumb on how many carbs and fats do you need?

When I start my new diet on monday I have figured since I'm 5'9, 195lbs, and 23 years old that my calories per day are around 2620. To meet my goal in losing weight I was goign to take it down to about 2150 and using the 1.5g/lb rule for proteins I need about 292.5g of protein a day? But what about Carbs and Fats?

Any Help would be much appreciated!

Where did this so-called " 1.5g/lb rule " for protein come from ?
I thought I read it from the sticky... is it wrong?

Most of the science - at least so far - suggests that for most athletes who want to add muscle mass, there is no evidence that protein consumption beyond .8 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight yields any significant benefits

For most gym rats ( and more for simplicity sake :)) , that usually translates to a maximum of 1 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight - not 1.5.
OK, so I'll try to get around 190g of protein. Sorry I'm not very educated when it comes to this kind of stuff, just trying to go by what I read. Thanks for the enlightenment:)