How much can you benchpress? What's normal?

This is one thing I always fell on the weak-side when compared to others. I am going for a job with the U.S. Customs and one of their physical requirements is maximum benchpress.

My stats are:

25 years young
(probably 9% body fat)

I maxed out last week at 175lbs.
I am proud of the numbers since I could not even get 135lbs. up once about 18 months ago.

I have a mild heart defect which is why I go more for "cut" then "build" and use less weight when I work out.

I basically would like to know if 175lbs. is decent when you consider my height / age / weight?

Also, post your stats up :)
you should be able to bench your bodyweight , so you are doing awesome, keep pushing yourself, i started out 7 years ago, barely benching 135lbs, now i can get 365lbs for 6-8 and my max is 415.

BTW: I am 5'7 around 200lbs with about 10-12 % bodyfat and 30 years old.
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How much you can bench press is a function of a lot of factors, some of which are out of your control. Hereditary factors, like bone length, muscle insertion points, etc. are not in your control. That said the average healthy person, even with the worst hereditary structure, should be able to bench press his own body weight for 12 reps after a few years of training. There is no reason you can't achieve this by training at high rep levels, like 12-15 reps per set. In fact, it is probably healthier in terms of reducing the likelihood of injury, to stick with higher reps.
Although I don't do flat benching, I can put up 200 on the incline for 5 reps. My weight is about 170 and I have been training for 7 years, but training seriously for the past 4 years. I am 19 years 'young' going onto 20 in November.
I benched 315 before my first of four reconstructive shoulder surgeries. I was 165 at the time. I am 190 now, and won't even bench press a bar. I will however use dumbbells, but I don't max out any more either. So what does all this tell you?
jpfitness said:
I benched 315 before my first of four reconstructive shoulder surgeries. I was 165 at the time. I am 190 now, and won't even bench press a bar. I will however use dumbbells, but I don't max out any more either. So what does all this tell you?

Reminds me:

1 - Take it easy with the weights
2 - Enjoy life every minute I can
3 - No one's immune to injuries

Good luck with the recovery. I can't imagine how it must feel to be in that situation.