Sport How much calories should I be eating a day?

Sport Fitness
I am 15 roughly 5'9 but I'm not sure I weigh about 230 LB's, I do not know my body fat percentage though. I am looking to lose weight for now and build muscle later.
If you're looking to lose weight, you need to eat less than you are currently eating. And you need to eat healthier foods. Little or no junk, soda, refined flours, simple sugars, fried foods, deep fried foods, etc. More fresh or frozen veggies and fruits (not canned or those little fruit cup things!!), more lean meats (turkey, chicken, fish), and more whole grains rather than refined flour. And be careful of condiments, sauces, and oils, use them sparingly.

I don't like to give younger people strict calorie guidelines... it's better for you to start learning healthy food choices now, so you don't get hung up on calorie counting for the rest of your life!

Also, exercise.... it will help you way more in the long run if you get into the habit of regular exercise now :)
Vegetables... My main problem, I want to start eating them but I dont know where to start because I know I dont like most of the simple ones like broccoli and carrots. I may just have to just eat regardless of what I like... Any reccomendations?

I went to the store yesterday planning on getting some healthy or at least healthier foods but was stumped on what to get. I look at the labels and find most stuff either has too much sodium or too much calories, Can you reccomend some stuff I can buy at the store? And how can I just eat less? I know will be hungry, Is their any supplements that may be able to help me? My dad takes Diet pills when he works out and he says they make him a lot less hungry.

And yea I exercise almost every day on the elliptical running at least 20 mins just to start out. I was doing P90X and I had to delete it from my PC due to Blue Screens of death. For the few time I did it it was really tough and I could barely keep up. So I decided I am not ready and to just continue what I was doing before it. I only did the elliptical a week before P90X so I was still out of shape, I used to never exercise and sit on Xbox all day. The elliptical is getting easier now as I build my endurance I can do 30 mins. How long should I be doing it? I have been on it for at least 2 and half weeks although I stopped for spring break due to vacation.

One last thing. How bad is Sodium?

Thank you!
Well, there are a lot of ways to answer the questions you have. First let me say this (although I may get flamed for saying this). A lot of the vitamins and minerals you get from veggies can be gotten from a good multi-vitamin. BUT, it is always better to get your nutrition from raw food vs supplements. Also, if you actually eat more veggies, it will help control your appetite.

But, onto answering the more direct question. You really can't go wrong with greens. I'm not much into veggies either, but what I do is I often put cheese on them and make them as one of my "protein/fat" meals :D Granted, you can't do this all the time, but it definitely helps change things up a bit. When it comes to diet, the two hardest parts are: 1. Getting bored of the food and 2. Keeping portions right

As far as working out on the eliptical machine, it's good that you are up to 30 minutes now. Though, even with "cardio" it's not always about the amount of time you do it. A big part of it is "what all can you do in that time". Stick with a 30 minute workout for a while...but instead of doing it all at one pace or at the same resistance level, vary the pace/resistance, and you will notice a big difference in the workout. Also, always keep a notebook of what you've done. It helps track progress.

On a side note: Chances are, because of your size (which I don't mean to offend), you should see weight loss happen pretty quickly when you start to do things right. This can be a HUGE just go with it and keep it up. If you find something that works especially well, keep at it for a while.
I have already lost 5 pounds so far and have only been doing it about 2 and half weeks. I have not started eating vegetables or anything yet but I have made an effort to avoid bad foods and eat less. Does anyone know if eating refried beans and mexican rice is bad? Cause that what I usually eat for dinner.

And I am in no way offended by my size but thanks for adding that in xD.
I would just say start slow.... try not to get overwhelmed by trying to change everything at once. You're already cutting out some of the unhealthy stuff, so that is a good start. Once you have that under control, try making another small change... like having one serving of fruit and one serving of veggies per day more than what you're currently having, then build up from there. You just have to keep trying different things 'til you find something you like. Fresh or frozen are the best.

As far as the refried beans, it depends... how do you make them? Do you use canned? Beans are usually great because they are high in fiber and protein.... but you need to watch the sodium! There should be a way to make them from scratch so that you can ditch the added sodium. It also depends on the portions. How much of it do you usually eat?
I'm not the one that makes then but I am pretty sure they are made from sratch and they have little salt, I usually eat like... I small plate with a Tortilla and a fruit.
From scratch is likely better, but it really just depends on what's going into it. To make it a more balanced meal, I would try to have EITHER the rice OR the tortilla, not both. A serving of rice is typically considered to be 1/4 cup uncooked (1/2 cup cooked). It depends on the size of the tortilla, but try to stick to whole wheat and try to stick to only one max. Try thinking of your plate this way:

1/4 protein (which would include the beans)
1/4 starches (which includes the rice and the tortilla)
1/2 veggies (at least 2 kinds, or 1 serving of veggies and 1 of fruit)

Since the beans includes fiber, which would normally be contained in the fruit or veggies, you could probably get away with:

1/3 protein
1/3 starch
1/3 veggies & fruit

This would possibly be better than the proportions that you're currently having.

How does that sound to you?
Scathe, first you are 15, now is the best time in your life to build muscle, ok this is too long of a question but i'll do my best to answer short....

First 4 things i tell my clients:

Eat breakfast no matter what.
Drink mainly water.
Eat after you workout.
Eat as close to nature as possible.

You wanna have a gradual reduction of calories anything more than 20% and you will lose muscle, with some intense cardio, high rep weight training, and a balanced diet you can go places a bit quicker because you are young, but do it right and safe.

Personal Trainer/Firefighter/Paramedic/Nursing Student
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I think you should eat 2500 calories in a day because 2500 calories are enough for a healthy body and its requirement.

Can you please explain why 2500 calories it a 'requirement' for health? Or tell us how you came up with this number?