a good workout is that mini-max. I thought you'd ask what that was... lol
You try to make it accrossed the pool with as few strokes as you can, as fast as you can.
SO- you time yourself, count your strokes, divide the time by the strokes, and then try to improve that time.
I liked doing it at 50 meters (up and back) better. Otherwise the math is so technical.
for the glide, I find that if I think "always have a hand in front" it makes my forward coming stroke shorter, leaves the hand out fronmt longer, and that allows me to get a nice deep powerful push with my going back hand.
Sorry, I dont know the terms so well, but if you swimming, you get the drift..
durring the glide I keep my hand out front in a blade position, and play like I am a shark.
p.s. and the legs is a beig part of that. My fastest, smoothest, distance laps I do not do the quick lil kicking, I do a sort of closing Y move with my legs. almost like a frog, without bending them. It feels like I squirt myself forward, by pinching scissor legs.