How many Protien shakes

How many Protein shakes

If i have 2 meals a day with natural protien sources in them. E.g Chicken for lunch and dinner...which is what i have. How many Protein shakes should i have during the day. Ive been buying 5kg tubs and using them in two weeks :( and i dont have enough money to keep going this way. I normal have 3-4 shakes a day. I dident get much help with my diet before and pretty much got told to do it myself but if some one could maybe regulate how many shakes i should be having for a 72kg 6.2 feet tall male per day. Or should i be having this many and will just have to deal with not enough money to have it like this :confused:
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You might consider a lower carb diet instead of spending a fortune on those shakes. Stuff like muscle milk has too many calories not to mention the cost involved.
120g of protein?

I use about 1-2 shakes a day, it's enough. Just get protein from other sources aswell, like eggs, chicken, etc, etc.
I am bulking. And 120 grams a day o_O ??? is that all up or you mean or just from protien powder ? i weigh 72kg so wouldn't you need to judge it on my weight?
I eat about 200g of protein a day. I've been recommended AT LEAST 1g per lbs (I'm about 200 lbs) It's not that hard to get protein, just eat meat, take one or two shakes a day with like 40g powder in each and you could always eat some nuts, almonds, etc to get your protein up. they aren't complete sources of protein but you can't expect ALL of your protein to come from animal sources.
200g or protien doesent mean 200 grams of chicken does it ??? Ok so if i have 2 shakes that = 30 grams each thats 60 grams so that leaves me 140 grams i have to have from food much that would be in chicken weight ?

karky how many grams of protien do you think i should have a day being 72 kg or 160 pounds ? I am "Bulking" at the moment as well so yeah mayby your not i dunno? do i need more then 200 grams? Some help here would be sweet

I also bought a food scale 4 days ago for 50 dollars...big spend lol
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I'm not an expert on diet, but I'd say you should get 160-200g of protein a day. With 160 being in the low.

And 200grams of chicken isn't 200 grams of protein. And you don't have to rely on only chicken to get protein. How many meals do you eat? do you drink milk? There's some protein there, do you eat eggs? Do you eat almonds/other nuts? (again those are not the best quality protein, but it is protein)

The chicken I eat has 21g of protein per 100g. When I eat chicken I usually eat 300-320 grams of it (along with rice, veggies ,etc) And each of my shakes are 40g of powder, which is about 36g of protein I think. So I have about 1-2 of those a day. Depends on if I'm training or not.
cottage cheese is cheap and a good one. there are lots of different levels of protein to fat ration, so check the label. the protein shake money does add up quick.

BUT- and this is a big Butt Smith- Look at your body dude! It shows.

Good work.
i get up and have 4 weekbix with milk and a protien shake. hardly ever eat eggs. I eat kashu nuts and pea nuts every day yes. Yeah for dinner i have 400 grams chicken and at lunch i have 200 grams chicken with rice and veggies. But karky what is your body weight?
I'm at about 200 lbs. If you eat that much chicken and 1-2 shakes and nuts, you should be fine. But why no eggs? You don't like them? If you don't have anything against them, you should eat them!
I'm at about 200 lbs. If you eat that much chicken and 1-2 shakes and nuts, you should be fine. But why no eggs? You don't like them? If you don't have anything against them, you should eat them!

Well yeah apparently they are the best source of pure clean protien but you have to eat so many of them :( you gotta take out the yellow bits to which is what i like. I was boiling them and just eating the whites for a while but that really turned me of eggs for couple months
Also at what times do you think i should take my shakes if i am having chicken at lunch and dinner ? I am thinking have breakfast with milk...then carbs fruit and a protien shake then lunch then carbs fruit a protien shake then dinner then mayby a small protien shake before i go to bed ?
Also at what times do you think i should take my shakes if i am having chicken at lunch and dinner ? I am thinking have breakfast with milk...then carbs fruit and a protien shake then lunch then carbs fruit a protien shake then dinner then mayby a small protien shake before i go to bed ?

At 160 lbs, you're likely fine taking in anywhere from 130 - 160+ grams max a day of protein.

As far as shakes go, if you are hell bent on taking protein shakes, 1 shake a day should be fine - i.e have 1 shake sometime soon after your weight training session.

Beyond that, it should be dead simple to get your remaining protein requirements from ' normal ' food throughout the day.
There is protein in a lot more than just meat and shakes. I get well over 200 grams with no shakes and I only eat meat twice a day (usually around 12 ounces total)
Was it not 1.5 g a kg the highest end of the scale.

If that is right then 105 g would meet that criteria.

Consuming much more than this up to a scale of 200g is absolutely unecessary, no literature ive seen has claimed this.
Well, that's the never ending debate isn't it Matt?

on the one hand, you have the "official" sciency book worm side - 1.5gm per kg of bw for athletes, too much isn't good, etc

on the other hand, you have the meat-head side - RDA?! We don't need no stinkin' RDA!!

and so continues the ongoing battle of protein consumption....
No they have recommendations for numerous contexts. Like sedentary, start phases of weightlifting, endurance runners etc.

And its probably more accurate to say excessive amounts of protein isnt good for you, which i have no doubt many people are guilty of.

But i couldnt careless to tell the truth, if they want to be stubborn then thats their choice.