Weight-Loss How many meals a day?



New member
Hi all. I've heard that if you eat 5-6 meals a day you'll actually lose weight (obviously they'd have to be healthy and small portions) but is this true?

If so, if I can trouble you for such a thing, could you please provide me with good times for each meal in the day? e.g. 6:00 am breakfast, 9:00 am snack (I think I explained that clearly enough :) ).

Also, what kind of foods should I eat in the non-main meals? fruits or nuts?

5-6 meals a day, if you can keep the meals around 200-300 calories. Thats hard to do. I usually eat small meals when I can, but since its not possible for me to do I often end up having just one big meal around 600 calories.
I think what you're looking for is a variation of three hour diet where you eat every three hours... The link contains a review of the diet from Health magazine. I think the concept is sound... and probably does work but it's because you aren't eating large quanties at once, your body has time to burn off the calories from each meal it consumed...
There's only ONE "diet" that works: burn more calories than you take in. Beyond that, what works is what works for you. Once you know how many calories you should be eating, decide what you are most likely to keep up. I always really liked the 5-6 meals a day idea, but the reality was that I was thinking about and messing around with food ALL the time, so I just ate too much. Others might simply not have time to eat that often, or they can't eat at work, etc.

Bottom line: if it sounds interesting, try it. If it works, great! If not, try something else :)
5-6 Meals A day!

They are correct that eating 5-6 meals a day will help you lose weight but eating the right portions, foods, and times is as or more important. First, lets start with breakfast & dinner which your breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day and your dinner should be one of the smallest. If you eat breakfast at 6am try to have dinner at 6-7pm so you can burn off all those calories before you go to bed. Your lunch should be a pretty good meal and your two snacks should be smaller just to hold you over till the next meal. Eating correctly will help you reach your weight loss goals and make it easier than ever.

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Finding the right diet for you is what is most important but something I have learned is to set up a stopping time for me. I don't eat after 6:00pm, unless I am planning on having a very late night where I'll need the energy (for example, a night dancing with the girls) and then I don't eat after 8:00. I took a little while to get use to but it has helped a lot and I know it has worked for friends. It keeps you from grabbing that little nibble or late night snack while watching movies/tv, reading, etc.
Good Luck :)