Weight-Loss how many grams of carbs should I be eating per day?



New member
Today I had my first cheat day in like 3 months :lurk5::party:

I ate 1/6 serving on pumpkin pie and ate a small potatoe chip bag :drool5:
and finally a classic bottle of soda. Everything else was pretty healthy I guess, corn tortillas, rice,beans, glass of milk, and some shrimp coctail with 2 tostadas. (of course though I stayed below the amount of calories I should be eating to still lose weight which is ~2000 - 2500 depending on how much I workout on the particular day total for today was 1713 calories XD)

After tracking my food for the whole day my carb intake clocked in at 235g of carbs.

How many grams should I be eating normally in my diet? I weigh 224 Pounds and i'm pretty active everyday of the week. I know theres good carbs and bad carbs and I usually try eating the least processed natural stuff. I am still trying to lose weight and most of all more body fat.