How many gigs?

I have this new Blackberry Curve 8310. I'm going to use it as an MP3 player. In order to do this I need to get a microSD, which I'll pick up next weekend. My question is how many gigs should I get?

I'd like to store a couple hundred songs and maybe a dozen movies or so. Since I've never owned an Ipod or anything, I have no idea how many gigs=what amount of time.

Sooo.... 2 gigs, 4 gigs, 8 gigs? I can always upgrade later. But I'd like at least enough memory to throw 100 songs on there for the time being. I like the price of 2 gigs. :)
I have this new Blackberry Curve 8310. I'm going to use it as an MP3 player. In order to do this I need to get a microSD, which I'll pick up next weekend. My question is how many gigs should I get?

I'd like to store a couple hundred songs and maybe a dozen movies or so. Since I've never owned an Ipod or anything, I have no idea how many gigs=what amount of time.

Sooo.... 2 gigs, 4 gigs, 8 gigs? I can always upgrade later. But I'd like at least enough memory to throw 100 songs on there for the time being. I like the price of 2 gigs. :)

I think 2gigs can hold up to 500 songs......
I think at standard compression rates, 1 minute is approximately equal to 1 megabyte, so 1 Gig would be approximately 1000 minutes of music. If you're using a lossless codec like FLAC or AAC though, the number of minutes decreases, as you're using a lot more space to store each song.
Size of MP3's can vary, but on average between 3 to 5 megabytes.

1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte

1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte

Basically do the math.

I would purchase the one you can most afford with the most amount of memory storage.

Best wishes

2gb is more than fine for the music.

If you want movies you can shrink them to about 350'ish mb each (which will still look as close to dvd quality as it's gonna get on that thing), so 8gb would cover your needs. I don't recommend getting multiple smaller cards - it's a nuisance, and the savings are negligible. Decent 8gb microsd card should run you $50 on ebay, last I knew. 16's are out, I believe, if you wanna go that route, but I wouldn't bother just yet.
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That's so vague though. The length of a song and the sound quality can make a huge difference in this.

This is correct.

And the format (WMA, MP3pro, etc) can make a difference (if the player accepts multiple formats.

In addition the bit depth makes a difference as well. On whether its 128, 256, 384, 512, etc.

It is generally safer to get the best GIG bang for your buck.

Best wishes,

That's so vague though. The length of a song and the sound quality can make a huge difference in this.

yeah, and taking that into consideration, it can hold ABOUT 500 songs....He is talking about 100 songs, it is more than capable of holding that and more.
I have one that connects to a PC. So I can use it on my PC speakers (Klipsch Promedia Ultra 5.1), and transfer the songs on a 10 gig FLASH mini drive (about 2 inches in size, for backup and other purposes)--separate from the internal drives.

Best wishes,

My 1G ipod shuffle is supposed to hold 250 songs.

That's funny, I just got a new phone I bought a micro SD for to play mp3s I got a 2G on ebay for about $14 and free shipping
I think you're stalking me. How else would you know that?

I thought you would like someone being behind you......:azzangel: :D

besides, anyone who listens to Disturbed, and drinks Guinness (and if you're a real man, and I assume you are, it is the stout not the draught crap....) Should have a taste for Godsmack..

It's Elementary my dear :luxlove: :p

Evo has someone behind him most of the time... IT's MREIK!!! hahahaha and when that aint happening it's because Evo is behind Mreik, squishy squishy hahahaha

anyhow, I just wanted to add, though I have no idea what a gig is, it sounds cool so get more of them.


unless you don't want to

I thought you would like someone being behind you......:azzangel: :D

besides, anyone who listens to Disturbed, and drinks Guinness (and if you're a real man, and I assume you are, it is the stout not the draught crap....) Should have a taste for Godsmack..

It's Elementary my dear :luxlove: :p

I always knew you were a fiesty kitten.