Sport How many eggs do you eat a day?

Sport Fitness
Just wanted to know if anyone here eats 1 - 2 eggs a day. I started eating tortillas (or wraps) for my mid morning meal/snack. Got the idea from reading posts in the 'recipes' sub-cat. Anyway, my latest is cucumber, hard boiled mashed eggs with salt and pepper, peanut butter and mayo all wrapped up in a wholegrain wrap. I do this x2. It's the egg yolk that is the issue right... The cholesterol (SP) in it?

So, my question is: is it OK to consume 1-2 eggs a day?
Ive heard so many answers/opinions on how many eggs you should consume weekly that i couldn't care anymore. Personally id just eat as many eggs as you like and just get your cholesterol levels checked occasionally, if your healthy, your healthy. Simple as that :)
It's very rare that I eat less than 4-5, sometimes I eat 8-10, it all depends. I've been up in 16 before.

For most people, cholesterol in the diet won't affect blood cholesterol to any great extent because the body reduces it's own cholesterol synthesis when you get more from the outside.
What Karky said about the bodies cholesterol is right on. But if you are worried about the yolk and its cholesterol then just buy a carton of egg whites and go to town. But I wouldnt neglect the yolks totally because while they do contain cholesterol they also contain a portion of the protein found in eggs.
What Karky said about the bodies cholesterol is right on. But if you are worried about the yolk and its cholesterol then just buy a carton of egg whites and go to town. But I wouldnt neglect the yolks totally because while they do contain cholesterol they also contain a portion of the protein found in eggs.

as well as other nutrients. the health benefits generally of the yolks generally outweigh the negatives from the cholesterol content.
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as well as other nutrients. the health benefits of the yolks generally outweigh the negatives from the cholesterol content.

For most people, the dietary cholesterol in egg yolks makes minimal difference in blood cholesterol levels, so eating egg yolks should not be a concern from that standpoint.

An unfortunate minority of people do get elevated blood cholesterol levels from consuming dietary cholesterol. Such people may need to limit egg yolks and other high cholesterol foods.

If you switch to a high egg yolk diet, you may want to get your blood cholesterol checked and compare the numbers with the blood cholesterol numbers from when you did not eat much egg yolks.

In general, blood cholesterol levels and associated coronary artery disease risks are unfavorably affected by things like partially hydrogenated oil / trans-fat (common in processed food and fast food restaurants) and saturated fat (common in fat from milk, red meat, coconut oil, and palm oil). Unsaturated fat (common in nuts, avocados, non-hydrogenated vegetable oils other than coconut and palm oil, and cold water fish) generally has favorable effects on blood cholesterol levels.
I eat 4 in the AM (with chicken breast , yum!), and 3 in the PM (boiled, with my tuna).
That's a total of 7. I only eat the whites and throw away the yellows, which is a bit of a waste I know, but my kids had enough of my wife making yellow-only omelettes :)
i usually buy omega eggs, and then use regular egg whites to up the protein while keeping fat and cholesterol in check.

its all about moderation.

not so much 'worried' as 'aware'.

how many years did 'all the research' tell us that dietary cholesterol was BAD.
I just am playing it safe. both my parents have high blood pressure issues...not bad cholesterol that i know of.

but again, for me, moderation always seems like the safe route to take in life, whether its food choices, alcohol, etc

(but not can never have too much sex)
Personally, I think a lot of people miss how much eggs they eat per day.

For example, the TC said he eats eggs wrapped... that wrap contains eggs as well. Also, while eating other food, you eat eggs as well.

For me, I'd probably eat per day about 6-8 eggs, four of which comes from actual eggs, while the rest are simply ingredients to the products.
It depends what kind of activity you do in a day. If you're not doing hard exercise, I think it's to much for you. I preferred to consumed my proteins from chicken breast and salmon, it's healthier and you can consumed it in larger portion than eggs.