How many cals burned in 30 mins?


New member

I was just exercising with my Wii Sports Active for 30 mins, and it has me doing low impact aerobics (plus a few minutes warm up and cool down). I was wondering, how many calories could I burn in that amount of time? Oh yes, I'm a woman, 32 years old, and I weigh 148.5 lbs. If you need more information, just ask and I will tell you!

No one here can tell you how many calories you burned exactly. There are a lot of resources on the web (just Google for "calorie burn calculator) that will give you a rough guideline based on your height and weight and the type of exercise, but even so that's just an estimate.

The best way to figure out how many calories you burn is to get a heart rate monitor. Using your heart rate, combined with your weight and age, you can get a much more accurate count of calories.
Okay, thank you! I checked out one site and it said I only burned about 168 cals during my half hour session. That's crappy. But that's not the only exercise I've done for today, so it's okay!

160 does seem high. and it for sure also includes your bmr so you're doing far less calorie burning than you think you did. wiifit, while better than sitting on your bum, is not really a good form of exercise. stop worrying about how many calories you are burning in 30min. it's a useless way to measure exercise imo. instead start getting your HR pumped through the roof doing >80% MHR and especially by doing resistance training. your calorie burn will be greatly elevated for hours if not days afterwards from a much greater epoc, GREATLY outstripping any measly 30min low impact calorie burn.

I am starting some resistance training... I have resistance bands which I use about 3 or 4 times a week for about half an hour each time. I'm just starting so that's about all I can handle. Sometimes I use them and mix it in with aerobics, sometimes I use them in my step class, sometimes I use them with my mini-step machine. I am always antsy so I have to mix things in. But it gets things done, I guess. Is this okay?
