Weight-Loss How many calories should i comsume a day?



New member
So the calorie calculator thing said I need to consume 2658 calories to lose weight and 1993 to lose it fast.

Today, I probably consumed 1100-1400 calories, so do I need to eat more? I really want to lol it just seems to good to be true.
Can you share your stats please?

Eating too little calories is generally a bad idea for the long run. Its not really because people can´t handle it. Its more because of the metabolic adaptations and hormonal issues that arise over time, which make your body fight harder and harder the more extreme the deficit gets.

So if you are supposed to eat approx. 2000 calories per day to lose fat quickly, then that is already aggressive enough (given the stats you entered into the calculator are correct)

Hope that helped! ;-)