Weight-Loss How many calories should I be consuming?



New member
I am around 160 pounds right now, 5'7". I am not sure how many calories i should aim for in a day with exercise. I ate a two egg mushroom omelet for breakfast but don't know if I should eat a light yogurt (100 cals) or if the two eggs is enough until snack time? Any help is appreciated. :)
Hi. :)

I'd suggest you check the sticky posts in the forums - there's a lot of good informaition there on how to figure your calories and balance your nutrition.

A good rule of thumb to get you started is to multiply your current bodyweight by 10 to get a goal for weight loss calories.

I'd also suggest egistering for a free account on or and starting to log your food. This will let you see how many calories you're eating and how your nutrition levels are breaking down. Once you know that, you'll be able to see more clearly where you can make adjustments, cut back, change your nutrition, etc.
According to Iowa State University you should weigh inbetween 121 pound and 160 tops.

5'7"................................. 121-160

Here's a good link for Calorie and Nutrition Requirements.
I would suggest counting calories. Get a protein and calorie counting book they're cheap and have all the foods and nutritional values. You can control your weight if you can control your calories. I learned the hard way and still learning. Here's the book I use:

The Protein Counter 2nd edition
By Annette B. Natow, Ph.D., R.D.
and Jo-Ann Heslin, M.A., R.D.
You can also track your food intake on websites like fitday.com and livestrong.com for the low low price of free. These websites will also give you an idea of your daily caloric maintainence level, so you can adjust from there.

Good Luck!