Weight-Loss how many calories should a teenager eat?



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i went to teens.sparkpeople.com and they said that teenage girls need to eat a minimum of 1800 calories a day in order to have their bodies/brain functioning properly...is this right?? X___x...i'm 16 years old 5'2" and 110 lbs I want to lose 10 lbs..they said i should be eating between 1800-2150 calories a day but that seems like an awful lot +___+n im afraid of gaining weight instead of losing..>__<..
I've looked around and it seems like for a teen to lose weight it would be:

Teenagers need about 1500-1800 calories per day

However, I think it is best to check with your pediatrician on this. You want to make sure you are getting enough of what your body and brain needs, you are still growing.