How long will it take to get this body (PHOTO)

Me on the left the body I desire on the right. Can you give me an estimate. If I train hard and eat will, can I get in in 1 year?
Hey Dino,

Where did you get my picture from :D

What's your diet like? I recommend the low GL diet (more like a lifestyle) by patrick holford. Lost 16Ibs of fat in 6 weeks without training. I'm sure others will have their own opinion on this but with this particular lifestyle you avoid those sugar crashes. Anyway I totally think it's possible to do it in a year. I use a combination of cardio, weights and the power plate/vibroplate. The advantage of the later is it increases blood flow in your body and tones all over it can also increase definition. Get your diet right and don't over do it in the gym.
You wouldn't need to gain a hug amount of muscle, or lose a huge amount of fat, to get to that physique. He appears to be about the same size as you, just more muscle and less fat. I reckon some consistant strength training for 6-12 months at a moderate caloric surplus with plenty of protein, followed by cutting for about 3 months, would probably get you there. You'll need to be training for that entire time period to get results, as it's an inherent requirement to build muscle mass, and you'll need to keep up the strength training to minimise loss of muscle mass as you get rid of the excess fat.

Check the stickies for advice on exercise programming and nutrition, and you should go a long way. :)