Sport how long is it safe to do gomad?

Sport Fitness
im not even sure if it is even unsafe. im just asking how long it is ok to do it?
140lbs and want to get up to 160lbs.
im planing on doing it at the start of next year. im going to start with 1/4 for 1 week then 1/2 the next and so forth... till i get 1gal in, so my body can get used to it. i will use it as my snack, so i will easly get over 3000cal a day.

along with milk i will also be taking in whey protein and creatine after workout. if 1 gal of milk has 126g of protein should i still be supplementing whey protein?? i know ideally u wanna take in 1 - 1.5g of protein a day, so along with my other foods i may easily be over that. i like my kidneys very mush and dont wanna hurt them.

any input on this will be very appreciated. thx in advance guys.