How I've lost 12 the past month...

My former weight: 245
My current weight: 233
Weeks dieting: 4

What I've done:

Cut out starchy carbs (no white potatoes/pasta/rice)
No food after 7pm
Start working out with weights
Supplement with Levelean
Drink a lot more water

Has anyone else had any other good diet tips? Summer is right around the corner!
um, cardio :)
Great job, just eating correctly will help out tremendously. I went from 240 down to 220 in 4 weeks, not doing tons of cardio or working out. I took different vitamin supplements and watched what I took in. After the 4 week diet I continued to eat healthy and then started working out, right now I am currently losing 1-2 lbs per week and I'm currently at 210lbs.

All I can say is take some vitamin supplements and keep at the working out. You're on the right track.
Fruits are great for summer time, they provide a much need chill on hot sweaty days. Get active out doors, take your dog for a walk, go for a job, play in the yard with the kids, play an informal game of *insertsport here* with friends
Keep up the weight training, and make sure you lift big to get the maximum benefits. Keep your diet in check and you can always add more vegetables, even fruits.

I would throw in some cardio 2-3 times a week on your off-training days and be on your way.
fruits are NOT great for fat loss!
fruits are high in fructose, which has a molecular structure that causes it to easily be converted once in the body to tryglycerides (fat) !
Here are some basic rules for how to improve your eating habits:

Get used to the taste of food without dressings, sweeteners, etc. Ultimately you'll grow to like the natural taste of foods you once though tasted bland.
Try to eat more like a true vegetarian (i.e. the bulk of the diet should come from fruits, veggies, unprocessed and unbleached food). But don't get me wrong; I don't want you swearing off meat.
"Supplement" your unprocessed vegetarian-like diet with the high-protein foods discussed above.
Add unheated healthy oils to your foods.
Drink only calorie-free beverages (green tea, water, etc.).
Unfortunately the worst foods usually are the most convenient and the most processed foods. Avoid eating for convenience alone.
Avoid any easy-to-prepare breakfast foods (waffles, french toast, etc) as they're loaded with fattening trans-fatty acids.
Avoid products containing the ingredients or words "partially hydrogenated," "high fructose corn syrup," etc.
Avoid fast/fried food.
Avoid foods or meals that are high in both fat and carbohydrate.
In addition to these rules, here's the list of food choices that I give to many of my clients. These foods should make up about 80% of your daily diet and, as indicated above, you should be eating many of these foods each day, not simply picking one or two selections to eat all the time.


Fish: Salmon, Tuna, Cod
Chicken breasts
Cottage cheese
Milk protien isolates
Whey-casein blends
Lean Red Meat

Mixed beans
Low-GI fruits
Oatmeal/Oat bran
Mixed-grain bread
Small amounts of protein-enriched pasta

Flax oil
Olive oil
Mixed nuts (no peanuts)
Fish oil
For active individuals, the other 20% of your daily calories should come from the following sources (in order to enhance your recovery from intense exercise). The liquid meal should come during and after exercise while the second high-carb meal should come about 1-2 hours later.

Liquid meal (during exercise and immediately post exercise):

Protein: Whey hydrosylates/Isolates
Carbohydrates: High-GI liquid, Glucose (dextrose), Maltodextrin
Solid meal (2 hours post exercise):

Protein: Plain yogurt
Carbohydrate: High GI, solid-fiber cereal

These are foods to avoid at all costs:


Fatty meats
Fatty dairy
Most lunch meat
Large amounts of milk
Large amounts of soy

Regular bread
Added sugar
Most cereals
Fruit juice
Fruit bars

Vegetable oil
Corn oil
Heated/fried oil

the great debate among nutritionists has been whether the low insulin response is enough to outweigh the inevitable formation of some triglycerides. In my opinion, the best answer is that it all depends on how much fructose you ingest. With a very high daily consumption of fructose (from lots of fruit, but even from the more lipogenic high fructose corn syrup and from sucrose, which is in fact, a glucose and a fructose joined together), the lipogenic effects should probably be considered.

However, a moderate daily intake of fructose, especially from fruits, is encouraged. Just be sure not to consume fructose around exercise time. It has been shown time and time again to cause GI distress, increase ratings of exertion, and cause higher serum cortisol levels when consumed in conjunction with exercise. Fructose is found naturally in many fruits, berries and honey (foods that I highly encourage consumption of) as well as some dietary supplements, but in Western society most people get fructose from processed foods containing high fructose corn syrup.
good post

but just someting i noticed at the end - honey has been proven to be very beneficial when taken before a workout
toby1986 said:
fruits are NOT great for fat loss!
fruits are high in fructose, which has a molecular structure that causes it to easily be converted once in the body to tryglycerides (fat) !
Ah, but sugars aren't by their nature bad. They're a highly available energy source, moreso than any other carbohydrate, and if you're an active person, they're very good for you in that regard. It only gets stored as fat if you don't use 'em ;)

Not to mention that fruits are high in water, fiber, and vitamins - so for the flavor and the amount of fullness you get from fruits, you're getting relatively little junk in your body. They are, in fact, *great* for weight loss - but you certainly don't want to make your diet consist primarily of fruits becuase you'd get hardly any complex carbohydrates.
toby1986 said:

but don't get me started on chocolate - it should not be in your house in the first place!

unless of course you're a woman suffering from pmt. ;)

agree with you fil. i've just eaten an apple, try to have at least one a day. don't think they're gonna pile the pounds on. :)