how important is it to get glutamine supplements?

I've heard glutamine is very important for helping in protein absorbtion and minimizing muscle tissue breakdown. Is glutamine supplementation worth the money?

For example, getting 1000 grams for $34 a good price and worth the money?
At this point, I wouldn't put much weight on glutamine as a 'great supplement'. You'd be better off spending that $34 on a good protein supplement, which is going to contain some glutamine anyways.

I used to take lots of glutamine, and it never did much.
the problem with glutamine is that supplement companies use studies done on ppl with HIV, ppl with severe burns and studies where its given through an IV. for healthy individuals, the majority of glutamine powder taken orally never makes it past the gut.

glutamine is great for gut and digestive health, but doesnt even come close to what they promise with it. there are tons of studies saying oral glutamine has no effect on exercise performance or muscle gains.