Sport How important are Ratios when gettin lean?

Sport Fitness

How important are the Ratios of Carbs/Fats/Proteins when getting lean, i dont wanna loose or gain weight, i just wanna be leaner, im doing a full body workout 5 times a week, and calorie counting, and eating healthy

Jackie xx
can't add much to the good advice Derwyddon already provided.

macro ratios matter, depending on who you ask.
in my personal opinion, I think one should limit carbs in some manner when trying to shed a lot of fat. I'm a fan of carb cycling, rather than constant carb restriction.

total calorie intake matters more than ratios though.
Macronutrients CAN play a crucial role when one understands how to manipulate them in addition to calorie intake manipulations.

For example, If fat loss is slowing and the body isnt responding to the current deficit v exercise ratio, one has many options they can consider. One of them for example, is to lower carb intake (say a low-carb approach, or a Ketogenic approach), maintain the same deficit in calories, and increase exercise--slightly, in an attempt to tweak additional fat loss---especially if BF is already low and the body begins to fight back.

In simple terms the proteins and fats can take in higher varying percents, while the carbs are very low (say under 50g for example). But, this is one approach among many.

One could just increase exercise. I dont like maintaining the same calorie limits. So sometimes I will use cardio as my manipulator. Say I feel like eating more today, but I am off work, and not going to be moving around much, but do have a FBW planned for the day. Hypothetically, lets say my MT line with the FBW is: 2700c. Instead of eating SHY of the example MT line (like 2200c to bring a deficit), I will eat at my MT Line and allow more food. I will then add in cardio to draw the deficit and will sometimes add two cardio sessions. Thus I have eaten more, but allowed a deficit to add to the probablity I will lose fat tissue. This can also aide in hunger complications. Knowing how to manipulate calories and exercise, is a powerful tool. And, is one reason I seriously advocate tracking calories and knowing the approximate calories burned during exercise. I know tracking isnt for everyone, but this doesnt eliminate the power it has.

More than one way to skin the cat, baby!

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