How has your weight affected your blood pressure?

Titanic Explore

New member
Have you found when you gained extra weight your blood pressure went up- and when you lost the weight, your blood pressure went down?

Or has your blood pressure remained the same?

My blood pressure used to be perfect- now that Im 90 pounds heavier- i think I have high blood pressure- if I lose my weight, is it possible my blood pressure might go back to what it was?
My entire "normal" weight life, my blood pressure has been 110/70. At my highest weight my blood pressure went up to 130/80 :eek:

Now that my weight is getting under control it's back down to 110/70 with a resting heart rate of 67. I presume it will come down futher as I get to my ideal weight and get fit.

My guess is that weight is directly correlated to blood pressure. I know a couple of people who have given up (with the OK from their doctors) blood pressure and diabetes medication after losing weight.
Last July, when I started this journey, my BP was 145/95. When I went in for a physical in October, I had lost about 15 pounds, but it was still 140/90. The docs told me if it didn't change soon, I would have to go on meds.

In January, I started heavy interval training, and in March, I added HIIT. I'm down 35 pounds from last July, but one of the most exciting things has been my drop in BP.

I measure it every morning -- I know, I'm obsessive about data -- but this morning was a pretty typical reading: 115/70.

My resting pulse has also decreased considerably. Last July, it was close to 70. Now it's generally around 51, and sometimes as low as 49.

So in my case, losing weight AND intense cardio has made all the difference in the world.
my blood pressure seems to have lowered along with my weight. cos im a nurse i have access to b/p machines and when i was at my heaviest it was along the lines of 130/80-5. the nurse checked it the other week and it was something like 120/70:) slim
Before I started my diet, my doctor told me for the first time that I had high blood pressure. I am only 19, so this scared the S*** out of me as you can imagine. I went to the doctor about a month ago for something else and they took my blood pressure and they didnt say anything so I asked them if it was high and she looked a little puzzled and was like "no, not at all". so that was really nice. :)
my blood pressure has been 140/90 since I was in high school - over thepast few years it's raised quite a bit primarily due to stress... I've never blamed weight for my bp though a doctor about a year ago threatened me with medication unless my blood pressure went down... coincidentally it was the same time I decided to lose weight -my bp is now 130/85 though the end of last week it was high 180/110 due to work stress...

I still won't medicate... when I hit my goal if my bp lowers - great but I don't really expect it to...
Not to go off topic- but does high blood pressure cause bloodshot eyes?
For months my right eye has been consistantly bloodshot and dry- I need to carry Visine with me at all times- the Doctor examined my eye- said the nerve and retinal are fine-and suggested i have alergies..
But some online sites suggest a bloodshot eye my be a sign of high blood pressure- is this true?
I have had blood pressure for 5 years. I was prescribed meds for it but stopped taking them for a year or so. I didn't like the idea of having to rely on pills for the rest of my life. I went to get a checkup and my blood pressure was 150/100. Therefore, the Dr. suggested I take medication for it (an ACE inhibitor and a diuretic). Given my history I agreed. It is now back to normal. I don't want to mess around with my blood pressure as I am prediabetic which puts me at three times the normal risk for cardiovascular disease A heart attack or stroke would suck so that's why I medicate.
Thats pretty much my blood pressure right now...

In the past, most people paid attention only to the diastolic number, and not the systolic. But for people over 30 systolic high bp is more common than high diastolic bp, and it is just as dangerous.

However, if you do some intense cardio work and lose weight, there is a very good chance you'll get your bp under control.

Also, you may want to buy yourself a bp monitor for about $80 at your local drugstore. I tend to get a bit tense at the doctor's office, causing "white coat" hypertension. By measuring my bp regularly at home, I know exactly what it is, and don't get worried by a higher reading at the doc's office.
what are the various levels of high blood presure- at one point does high pressure reach the point where a heart attack could happen at any moment, and bipass surgery might be needed? over 160/100?

At what measurment does high blood pressure pass from being unhealthy to life threatening?
Mine has bottomed out nearly to the point of being dead. :D My resting heart rate is about 48 or 49, and my blood pressure was measured a couple weeks ago at about 80/53. :eek:
what are the various levels of high blood presure- at one point does high pressure reach the point where a heart attack could happen at any moment, and bipass surgery might be needed? over 160/100?

At what measurment does high blood pressure pass from being unhealthy to life threatening?

There is no "magic" point. The reason high bp is dangerous (that is, anything over 130 systolic, and over 90 diastolic) is because it causes little "nicks" in your arteries. Your cholesterol is used to repair those nicks, but it's a "sloppy" solution, somewhat like slapping spackle on a wall. After time, the "spackle" can fall off, and cause a clot.

In other words, you can be at a "low" high blood pressure for a long time and still have that happen to you, without ever getting the type of super high bp that would gain you instant admission to the hospital.
My freaking god damn blood pressure was 150/98 (for a freaking 20 year old, are you kidding me!!!)

This was also when I was at my stressful job and during exam week. This was a major kick in the butt for me to lose weight. Since then, I haven't had it checked, but I quit the stressful job and pursuing my life style change. Also, been eating as least salt as possible.
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DG, I would have it checked. While it's great that you're losing weight, you want to make sure there aren't any underlying heart problems. High BP is nothing to play around with, especially if it gets that high at such a young age.
Hopefully I can have it checked soon Tomo. Since then, I have lost my medical insurance, so getting it checked now is out of the question.

I am hoping I will have insurance very soon.
I wouldn't wait too long. You can probably find a free clinic somewhere that can do it for you.