Weight-Loss How good is Smart Balance?

For instance, I'm wondering how good the butter is to natural peanut butter. It has palm oil in it, which isn't too good for you. Thanks.
I've never understood why manufacturers of peanut butter needed to add oil to peanut butter, unless it's a cost savings measure... The flax seed oil is where t he Omega3's are coming from and those are good for you (this week anyhow :D ) The molasses is added sugar that I'm not sure is necessary...

It's a better ingredients list than some peanut butters I've seen -but I'm pretty much a purist when it comes to nut butters -nut and only nuts should be on the list... you can always take a flax oil supplement if you feel the need for additional Omega3s (there's a good thread here somewhere on fish oil supplements.
It's quite lengthy reading - and more thana little tree huggish -but the center for science in the public interest had this report on palm oil

CPSInet.org has some interesting reading on their website...
Smart Balance has a lot of stuff, none of which I can speak intelligently about when it comes to pros and cons of ingredients and/or nutritional value. I've found their Light Butter microwave popcorn to be tasty though.
Thanks mal, I usually stick to natural peanut butter, but wondered about this product.