How good is bicycling for Cardio?

Sorry for this being in the running forum, but i cant think of any other place to ask.

Anyway, i never liked running as part of my cardio plan, but since i've been going to the gym lately I've been starting to go on the bikes for 20-30 mins and i really enjoy it.

My question is, is bicycling as effective for a cardio workout as running is? When i bike for 20 or so mins (i usually try to do it entirely in the hardest level the bike goes, rather than follow the little plans) my legs sure get tired, but i never feel tired or out of breath. I'm not sure how much my heart rate in increasing, but i certainly feel it alot more after running for 1 minute than i do after bicylcing for 20 mins.

Thanks for any help.
Cycling is an awesome form of cardio. Make sure you are tracking your heart rate and try to hit around 60-80% of your MHR.

Do the cycling for 40-50 minutes for a better cardio workout.
hell yeah biking is so fun, i dont even think of it as excercise. even though i dont have a mountain bike, i just have a normal sport bike. i always go up any hills i can as hard as i can. waking up in the morning, clip on the mp3 player, and i just ride off, miles and miles. and what am i to do? but have no choice to ride back. its just great
i used to bike so much 80k in one day cause i got stuck out at my friends house so i pretty much biked from dawn to dusk (well noon to like 8ish)
rip said:
Try faster instead of hardest level. This will be more cardio based and wear you out!

That's what i was thinking, because if it's harder you're basically just working your legsmore aren't you? Whereas the pace is moreso better for cardio.

So around 70% of your Max Heart Rate is optimal for burning fat / cardio workout. Other than getting some sort of electronic device, is their any way i can find what 70% of my MHR is and how to track it?

Well I'm going to to gym 3 times a week (for about 2 hours at a time) and every time i go i do 20mins on the bikes. Also i have soccer training for 2 hours once a week, and very soon i'll be playing a game of soccer every weekend. Is this enough cardio?

Also is my overall workout plan (cardio+gym) a farily good one? It's not extremely intensive, but is it effective>?
i would say so, gym 3 times a week, soccer prac once a week, then soon you will have 5/7 days covered with some sort of excercise. make sure you have a good diet, and dont slack on any of the excercise.