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Sport Fitness
Hey, currently im trying to lose weight as well as tone up, so far the toning is working a treat and i feel a difference, especially in strength but my question is, is what im eating alright? Someone told me it wasnt, anyway, heres my diet:

Breakfast : 2 Scrambled eggs and a slice of wholewheat bread toasted
Snack : Apple and Promax (Protein) shake
Lunch : Wholewheat bread with minimum butter with chicken, ham or cheese
Snack : Another Fruit/Veg with a Protein shake
Dinner (Dodgey bit!) : Grilled Chicken mixed with some sauce like a curry or some chinese flavour, with brown rice and sometimes noodles

My aim is around 1800 calories lookin to burn 2lbs a week. Sometimes dinner is chicken with jacket potatoe n veg but i find it too dry. Any ideas to help? Also, would it be a good idea if people put their goals down and what they eat usually so people can get an idea on what else to do?!
Your last meal is dinner?
You should think about including something before bed. If you are trying to cut the fat down I would go with something like a protein shake with some flax or another high EFA oil mixed into it.

What type of ham are you eating? generally cold cuts are not as healthy as you might think. They are often processed and have all kinds of perservatives. I would say go with some more chicken breast if you can bare it.

Chicken and brown rice is very healthy for you. If you are losing weights, you have to create a calorie deficiency though. You have to get your body to use your fat as fuel, or consume less foods that cause you to store fat.
I would highly recommend that you get another meal in there. Eating infrequently also causes your body to store more fat (natures starvation defence-mechanism)

Think about "cutting" this way: If you want your body to use your fat for fuel (burn it), you shouldn't feed it too much because it will simply burn calories for fuel. When are you doing your cardio? In the mornings?
I heard from others here that cottage cheese is awesome before bed, and usually the ham i have probably is that processed c**p your talkin about, altho the nutritional information doesnt look too bad but i take that the ingredients is where the problem lies!?

Im going to change my cardio to mid morning around 11, i find it very difficult to do it before breakfast and i dont feel great doing it altho its the best option for fat loss.

What would be the best meal to have for breakfast on days of cardio (thinkin about doing a 20minute HIIT session 3/4 times a week) not sure about time of high intentsity/low intensity ratio yet...

Cheers niceone
if you aim is to reduce bodyfat, do incorporate EFA's into your diet.

whats your stats masher?

although you aim to lose 2lbs per week, you want to make sure want you are losing is bodyfat and not muscle.

one thing you should also take into consideration is the timing of macronutrients and combinations in correlation to your activity level.
That diet seems very good. Perhaps the only thing I can mention is to include some healthy fats like niceone has mentioned.. incorporate some peanut butter somewhere perhaps (on your toast in the morning?) or some olive oil.. or as a last resort fish/flax oil, although it's not necessary.

But otherwise that diet is very good and you should have no problem losing weight.
Question on EFA's ( essential fatty acids i think it stand for) is that in a supplement u take or can it also be found in foods as well?
breakfast is low in protein. 2 eggs = less than 12g of protein. try 5-6 egg whites and 1-2 yolks for a lower fat/cholesterol breakfast that has 25g or so of quality protein.

the 1-2 yolks improves the flavor and consistency of whites.