Sport How does this diet sound for serious cutting?

Sport Fitness
OK, to date I have lost about 75lbs from my heaviest through eating less/healthier and exercise (cycling). I am about 225lbs currently, about 6'3, 19 years old. I don't know my bodyfat, but I estimate it to be pretty high. I have decided I want to start a very strict diet and exercise routine to get myself down to my target weight of about 190lbs. Right now my diet isn't stellar, I am at about 2400 cals a day eating Oats/Granola with about a cup of 2% milk, lunch will be 2 scrambled eggs in a tortilla, or some chicken breast with rice, or tuna on whole wheat, or something similar. Dinner will be something like a sandwhich or some meat+veggies. I'm at 3 meals right now. I wanna revamp my diet to something like this:

Wake - 1 cup steel rolled oats with 1/4 cup raisins, 30g whey protein

+60min after wake - 45minute to hour long medium rate cardio session (bike ride of about 15 miles) probably about 3 times a week, with some sessions being shorter HIIT

11am - Broiled skinless chicken breast, Can of tuna, similar protein and fibrous veggies like raw spinach, broccoli, asparagus

2pm - Complex carb like brown rice, sweet potato, beans, 2 egg whites

5pm - Meat/Protein, piece of fruit (I love apples)

8pm - Small meal of something like raw spinach with olive oil/garlic, lettuce, something like that. With some kind of protein, tuna, whey, etc.

I wanna be at around 2100 cals a day. I plan on getting a Gym membership some time this week or next, and will incorporate an hour long FBW probably 2 times a week. The goal of this won't be to bulk, just to try and not lose as much muscle as possible.
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calories too low. i'm only 5'9", 30 years old, and I can cut fat pretty rapidly on 2200-2300 calories a day, while maintaining my lean body mass.

LOTS of protein, moderate healthy fat intake, lots of veggies, limit the carbs a lot. I recommend a carb cycling program, keeping carbs low on non-weight training days. By low, I'm talking 50-80 grams a yeah, that means upwards of 300g of protein on those days, and keeping fat around 50-70g a day.

these are really general guidelines. you shouldn't diet off the weight. you should eat to promote fat loss by not providing too much 'energy' food...that is, starchy/sugary carbohydrates. Make the body use stored fat for energy.
calories too low. i'm only 5'9", 30 years old, and I can cut fat pretty rapidly on 2200-2300 calories a day, while maintaining my lean body mass.

LOTS of protein, moderate healthy fat intake, lots of veggies, limit the carbs a lot. I recommend a carb cycling program, keeping carbs low on non-weight training days. By low, I'm talking 50-80 grams a yeah, that means upwards of 300g of protein on those days, and keeping fat around 50-70g a day.

these are really general guidelines. you shouldn't diet off the weight. you should eat to promote fat loss by not providing too much 'energy' food...that is, starchy/sugary carbohydrates. Make the body use stored fat for energy.

hmm you must have a different opinon with carbs on cutting, i always thought and heard that carbs are good for you when cutting. im getting around 180g of carbs a day(2200-2400c) and it seems to be working fine.
he is getting carbs, but the basic principle of carb cycling is that you have them only when you need them.

its a tough thing to do, it isnt necessary for everyone but for the more carb sensitive amongst us it gives us the fuel we need and the nutrition to recover without excess carb intakes.
Malkore may be referring to a form of Ketogenic Dieting which can be used to solicit the last little bit of fat (and which I used, in part, in the last part of my dieting cycle). Omitting carbs (or drastically limiting carbs) is a very difficult thing to do and has drawbacks, but does work.
do you have a link to the ketegenic diet either of you use? ive used t nations carb cycling and it was ok, but my problem is i play football (soccer) 2-4 times a week and have found it to be really tough to eat low to mid carb on these days
2 days into it - Average calories for each day was right around 2250

Rough macros coming out to-

41% protein - 209g average

29% carbohydrate - 180g average

30% fat - 66.5g fat average

I really like fitday, it's very useful for tracking my day to day nutrients. For instance, now I can see that my fat intake per day is too high, I need to get a little more protein in there. Most of the fat is coming from a tbsb of olive oil I use with my mid-day spinach, and .3 to .5 cup of walnuts I eat. The walnuts make up 59% of the fat intake, and the olive oil makes up 15%.
2 days into it - Average calories for each day was right around 2250

Rough macros coming out to-

41% protein - 209g average

29% carbohydrate - 180g average

30% fat - 66.5g fat average

I really like fitday, it's very useful for tracking my day to day nutrients. For instance, now I can see that my fat intake per day is too high, I need to get a little more protein in there. Most of the fat is coming from a tbsb of olive oil I use with my mid-day spinach, and .3 to .5 cup of walnuts I eat. The walnuts make up 59% of the fat intake, and the olive oil makes up 15%.

40/30/30 is not a bad ratio. So, 30% fat isn't really too high. In fact, most of your fat is coming from olive oil and walnuts, both of which are good forms of healthy fats. If you had that much fat coming from a BigMac, then we would have a problem. You need those good fats, don't cut them.
+60min after wake - 45minute to hour long medium rate cardio session (bike ride of about 15 miles) probably about 3 times a day, with some sessions being shorter HIIT

Do you really mean that you plan on doing 45 minutes of cardio 3 times a day (2 hours and 15 minutes of cardio daily total), or was that a typo?
Do you really mean that you plan on doing 45 minutes of cardio 3 times a day (2 hours and 15 minutes of cardio daily total), or was that a typo?

Whoops, thats typo. Meant 3 times a week :11doh: