Weight-Loss How does this diet look?



New member
I'm trying to drop a little weight, and just curious how this daily eating looks.

8:00am- 2 slices of bacon, 2 eggs, and 1/2 cup oatmeal

11:00am- usualy either a lean cousine, or some chicken with a banana/apple

2:00pm- package of tuna with some rice or half of a sweet potato.

5:00pm- normal portion of meat (chicken/pork/beef) usualy with a fairly large helping of veggies, often green beans/broccoli.

8:00pm- a pwo low carb protein shake.

Obviously this isn't exactly what I eat every day, but I'd say it's pretty close. Look good?

also, I take a multivit, and fish oil capsules in the morning with breakfast.
8:00am- 2 slices of bacon, 2 eggs, and 1/2 cup oatmeal
Lot of fat and sodium with the bacon - and a lot of fat with the eggs -

11:00am- usualy either a lean cousine, or some chicken with a banana/apple
there's a lot of sodium in the lean cuisine... the chicken and fruit are good - maybe add in a vegetable or a whole grain with it
2:00pm- package of tuna with some rice or half of a sweet potato.
this looks pretty good
5:00pm- normal portion of meat (chicken/pork/beef) usualy with a fairly large helping of veggies, often green beans/broccoli.
keep the meat to lean proteins and maybe add in some fish for variety

I'm no expert but some of it looks like you're headed in the right direction - you might want to use a program like to keep track of your calories and other nutrients during the day
Thanks for bringing up the sodium, that's a good point. I was under the impression that if you limit your fat consumption to much that your body starts to cling to the fat already on your body, is this not true?
your body does need fat but i believe it should bein the form of mono unsaturated fats -like those found in olive oil, nuts, etc.. not saturated fats like that found in bacon and fatty meats.

what are you drinking thru out the day as well
Are you working out? If you are, I would recommend a protein shake immediately after your workout. It should have protein and carbs, but no fat. That will aid your muscles in the recovery process. It's important to consume it as close to the end of your workout as possible.

Yes, I'm lifting 3 times a week, and doing cardio usualy 5 times a week. Cardio involves jumping roap, jogging, or playing ddr.

The protein shake was listed in my first post as Post Work Out low carb protein shake at 8:00pm.
Personally I'd skip the bacon altogether, skip the tuna on a daily basis, and at least switch to using only egg whites or Egg Beaters. Unless you're a bodybuilder, I don't really see the need to consume a pretty good amount of meat and/or eggs every 3 hours. I don't see a whole heck of alot of fiber listed, so if you want to keep protein intake high, then maybe look into incorporating some beans and soy products.
What is your goal? Are you in a caloric surplus to gain muscle or are you trying to diet? You can't expect to do one if you're eating like you're doing the other. You'll get mixed recommendations if you don't clarify that.

My goal is to drop 20lbs, I'm currently 6'8" ~220lbs which I think means that the above diet puts me in a caloric deficit. I would like to retain as much muscle as possible though, there's a good chance I'll be going to basic training this summer, and I'd like to be in shape.
If you want better advice post the nutrional value of everyting combined.