How does everyone keep track of posts???


New member
What are the methods used by people here to keep up with everyone??? I noticed that on the bottom of each posts has links to add it to delicious and digg, furl and stuff. Does anyone actually use it? Or do you guys just use bookmarks. I have a bad memory sometimes, so I forget about people. lol.

What I do when I want to read journals is that I middle click the link to each diary (Using Firefox) so it opens another tab, it's much faster to get through a lot of posts like that too.

What other tips do you have?
I just go to new posts (at the top there) and it will show all the new posts since the last time you were here.......its the bomb baby!!!
laters STAR
i click on the UserCP link top left
it shows all the threads ive posted to or subscribed to
"New posts" sometimes just shows the ones from a short time ago. When that happens I click "Quick links" then "Today's posts".

I also put people on my buddy list, in case I forget the name of someone new. If you have the name, but can't find their posts, you can go to the member's list, put their name in "search members", and look in "find all posts".

Sometimes I find a post I have already made and click on my own name - that will allow me to access my own posts, so that I can go back to a thread in the same place that I last posted.
I search my user name in search and it brings up all the threads I've posted in.