How do you think

Heya how do you think of your fitness goals?

like for instance do u picture in your head a 6 pack n that keeps u goin??

Jackie xx
sorry i worded tht badly.

i meant to say how do you see your fitness goals(before you get there)

Jackie xxx
Haha you mean visualize :D

I have had a problem with looking in the mirror and never being happy. I get to the stage where I say f^^^ this and decide to make the change. I dont think I will ever be completely happy but it keeps me sane at the same time.

I have never really taken pictures or stuff
Heya how do you think of your fitness goals?

like for instance do u picture in your head a 6 pack n that keeps u goin??

The question was worded perfectly...or at least I get it. Excellent question, one I've pondered myself.

I think it's human nature to figure that we could shoot for "100"...much like a test we're looking to get it done righteously & perfect. To that, I think it's normal to look at pictures of super-fit people and imagine our bodies looking like that. I do. Of course, it's not really practical: most those pictures are of people who have 2 things going for them:

1) They are in great shape and
2) They were given (by genetics) very attractive bodies....

I've seen goobers who, no matter what they do, will always look like goobers. But the idea is to be the best goober you can be! ;) Not all of us have the potential to have magazine-quality bodies...and let's face it, these images are portrayed as the ideal we embrace them and aspire accordingly. Yes, it can be inspirational and something to shoot for...but in reality it's not practical. In my mind, I visualize it and fantasize about achieving it...but who knows where things will land when I get to my ideal weight and find the best shape I can be in.

In the end, you may not look like a supermodel or be modeling in magazines...but for all your hard work you'll feel like one and know you've done your best to get there. And on the flip side, I enjoy seeing the progress I've made and knowing I'm no longer the blob I used to be. You find and take pleasure where you can. You only live once, make the most of it. If, in the end, you don't regret too much, you've done well.
i meant to say how do you see your fitness goals(before you get there)

hhhhhmmmmm. I have goals, I guess they are just higher than I can imagine most of the time.

I enjoy the workouts, the process of "getting there"

I guess in the past I have set rigid goals, something I thought I wanted to be at the time. Then you reach the goal and you just set another one.

So I have abandoned the idea of having a specific goal, I just focus on continuing to get better at what I am training for. (strength and throwing) If I keep doing that, I will be better than most people.

And lets face it. Beating others in competition is really fun. :D

(or beating your arch nemesis, that is fun too)
Was sick of just being skinny all my 16 years of life so far and new if i dident do something about it i would always be the guy no one took serious or payed any respect to and the guy the that never gets any looks from the girls...i basically one day looked in the mirror and started going to the gym. I had tried many other times years before this but just did stupid ass stuff at home like situps/pushups at home but quit like a week later :eek: This ****s in me for life now any way and i don't really need motivation.....i enjoy every second of it and love the whole lifestyle of it all. As far as goals go i want to be 120KG so i will have to buy another scale ;)
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kool interesting stuff guys.

yh i dont wanna look like a supermodel, i just wanna look and be athetic and fit

Jackie xx
Picture a six pack?

That sounds like willpower, and like everything else (beauty, body, weight, life, and so fort), it fades and turns into nothing. Therefore, at the end, you lost the race. Believe me, I understand this now.

You shouldn't be "driven" to fitness, you should just allow it to occur without thoughts of "willpower" alone. Willpower fades like beauty, and anything that can fade will only be temporary. My new philosophy on fitness is... do what you need to do in order to do what you want to do. If you require yourself to run 6 miles nonstop, then do it. If you require muscles to deadlift 400 pounds, then do it. If you want to do a pullup, then do it. If you want something, understand that getting it doesn't require willpower, it only requires obedience to understand that you need to take certain steps to reach it. However, all these things cannot be driven by willpower alone. You must recognize that willpower fades – maybe not for a year, but one day, you’re just going to give it all up and wonder where the “willpower” went only wishing you had it back.
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Cut Jackie some slack will yer?

Derwyddon wasnt being mean to Jackie, I think its safe to say that she is "inferring" that she didnt understand the nature of the topic--at the time, and if more information was provided she would provide input.

If you see by the responses, it wasnt taken in a bad way, and it shouldnt have.

Tribal, take some time and learn the nature of posts behind the screen name and their activity on the forum (honestly, without bias, or personal innuendo, jealously, nor self content) and you will gain a better understanding when a certain member posts contents on a subject.

I just do not like your posting methods in reference to Derwyddon. Take a step back and absorb the "total circumference" of the forum and the post contents of all members, and I think you will gain a better understanding.

I would like you be a contributing member. If you continue (referencing other posts and not this one), I will be "chillen" my posts very close to you.

Come on, lets rock, be friends, and stop this BS.

Isn't there something about the journey being the reward?

For some the journey can be the reward, for others the pebbles in the journey path, make them stumble and fall short. All sort of cobble stones trip people up; however, the MIND is the most important influencial factor in the goal path (IMO) and being able to execute certain particulars that motivates the individual (I am assuming the goal ground is even).

Which brings us to our final thought: don't smoke crack