How do you squat?

I would like to know how everyone squats. Do you go all the way down ass to ankles? A little past the 90 degree angle in your knees? Knees at a 90 degree angle (legs parallel to floor)? Is it worth it to do any less?

Some other randoms questions I really need answered:

What is considered a quarter squat?

When you go all the way down can your heals raise or no?

I have issues with this movement and my mobility for the full squat is all messed up. Trying to fix it.
i go about half way, 90 degrees
it depends on the weight. for all warm up set I will try and go a2g but as I approach max I tend to go to just below parallel
ATG almost always, I go until I feel the back of my thighs touch my calves! Too many people THINK they are going below parallel and aren't anywhere near it, so I leave no doubt by going all the way down. I wish I had started doing that a long time ago, I think I would have made better progress. I think if your goal is health and fitness, full ROM is almost always the best way to go, so ATG is the only way to go on squats.
I go a little past 90 degrees but my heels always stay on the floor.

I never tried to get my thighs to touch my calves until I read this - I just tried, using the back of the couch to keep me from falling over, and I can't keep my feet flat to do them that way - plus I feel like it shifted the exertion from my thighs/upper legs to my calves...which I don't think is where I want squats to focus...
I do both ATG and below parallel with a wide stance and box. My atg squats have my legs approximately shoulder width. ATG squats are olympic style, box squats are PL-style.
ditto what lei said, all the way down if im doing oly squats, ass to grass.

box squats, wider stance, pl style. too.
below parallel always. sometimes atg, but not often. i hate squats so...