How do you perform HIIT Cardio correctly?

I have heard you are supposed to sprint for 20-30 seconds when doing HIIT. Is this an all out sprint because I have done this and could only last for maybe twenty seconds at longest for the first few sprints but once I got to the fourth and fifth and so on I could not keep up the same speed or the same duration. Are you supposed to sprint (not all out) for 30 seconds? Also, How long should the rests in between be? Are you supposed to walk during the 30-60 seconds where you aren't sprinting or are you supposed to stop?
Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
I think you got the right end of the stick and would go as far to say the fact you cannot keep up on the fifth sprint shows your doing something right- either you get fitter and are able to do this for longer or the fact you can't physically manage to go as fast doesn't matter too much as the whole point is to go as fast as you can, not as fast as the tredmill can.
For optimum results you would sprint all out 100% for about 100 yards (on a flat surface or 70 yards uphill), or 12-20 seconds, followed by walking (or slow jog) as long as is needed to be able to sprint all out again for the same distance/time. Start with 4 sprint intervals and add another interval every week until you get to 8. Perform twice a week.