how do you increase your punching speed

hey, ive been having trouble with increasing the speed of my punches it seems like whenever i punch fast i have no power in my punch but if i punch slow and hard i have more power in it. ive got 2 sacrifise one for the other.
what muscle areas do i need to build up to have more fast and powerful punches??? please help:confused: :confused:
I boxed for 2 and half years, the best thing you can do to increase you punching speed is to to negitives. If you need more info let me know.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what re negetives? I want to increase my punching speed too. I am relatively new at this type of thing. Don't know much about making punches faster.
negatives are working your muscle(s) the opposite way then you would doing an exersize, for example if you do pull ups... instead for pull up ur self fast and droping fast pull ur self up and come down slow as possable... get what im saying? goodluck!
You got it.