How do you avoid food while working in a Bakery?


New member
Hey all,
I was wondering how any Bakers here avoid eating food while working in a Bakery, and always being around food?. Or if anyone else that can picture this scenario, that could give me some helpful tips, that would be great. It's just a huge struggle for me, I always say "%$#it", in my head when I see the day olds, or some extras of whatever that just came out of the oven, fresh... it smells so good. That's why that call me my username!.
lol. It's not an easy problem to solve. I don't have the temptations like what you have, but I'm not sure I could resist. I used to work at Subway and I always had their cookies after they came fresh out of the oven. Maybe eventually you'll get sick of it ... maybe ?? I'm not even sure if I could say that it will get easier and easier. If you have the sweet tooth, than that will probably never go away. Maybe try to make yourself accountable. Find some sort of punishment every time you have some
Of course the best thing to do is control yourself. Whatever you do the decision still lies in your hand, therefore think before you act.
When I worked in a bakery I was not as heavy as I am now but I have no simple solutions for not eating the baked goods. If you do give into the sweets try chewing it very slowly savoring the flavor and do not go beyond one baked item a day.

I could not imagine being around food all day, especially baked goods.

This may not be the best or most helpful solution but if I am in a situation where I know I am going to be tempted to eat junk, or overeat (i.e. dinner with friends) I write my goal weight on my hand (the one I am likely to pick up my food with) to remind me of my goals. Not sure if your male or female, but me and my best friend also made our goal bracelets this weekend. Just a simple black bracelet with silver cube numbers that have our goal weight to replace writing on our hands all the time.. I wear mine everyday!
After losing about 60 lbs, my SIL got a job in a bakery. Her BIL made the comment "I can just see what she's going to look like in a few months" and it got back to her. That made her so determined that she continued on with her diet and lost another 40 lbs and she never ate one thing from the bakery! Take it one day at a time. Make up your mind not to sample anything today. Then do the same tomorrow. Cross each day off on a calendar. Don't let a slip up become a binge! We all have slip ups. Just move on.
Its all about will power and determination. But if you find yourself weak in these, don't fret help is available, hypnotherapy would be good. They can put in aversions into your head that would prevent you from eating. Or just reduce the cravings and need to eat when you smell the aromas and are around food at work.
It looks like you have been struggling with the food, in this way you will crave more. So don't restrict yourself, try to good and healthy replacements with you to suppress the desire.