Sport How Do I Remain Fit??

Sport Fitness
Well, during my entire summer vacation (3 months) I decided to bulk up and gain a toned body. Luckily, I achieved my goal by exercising quite a bit and eating 6 meals full of protein a day and I am very proud of my new body (sorry if this sounds arrogant). Anyways, I am about to begin my third semester of college, thus, I will not be able to work out anymore since I will have to concentrate on my studies. Also, due to my hectic college schedule, I will be forced to consume only 3 or 2 small meals a day. So, can anyone here in this forum give me some advice on what I can eat in order to preserve my weight and muscle mass? Would meal replacement bars or whey protein powder prevent my muscles from turning to flab and allow me to remain this weight even if I do not workout any more and eat significantly less?

Thanks, and sorry for my ignorance.
If you don't use it, you lose it, simple as that. If you do not continue working out, your muscles will slowly atrophy away, despite any diet you are on. Simple as that.
You must continue to exercise to maintain your fitness.

You may want to consider how you can use your time more efficiently. For example, it is more time efficient to run or bicycle to school rather than drive or ride a bus home and then make a special trip to the gym to run on a treadmill or ride a stationary bicycle. However, weight exercises typically do require dedicated time to do them.