How do I maintain my exercise and calorie program on vacation?


New member
Hi everyone. This is my last question and concern

In February I will be going to Australia to visit my boyfriend for one month. He then is moving back with me to Ukraine as I do my research.

Here is my concern. I have had a schedule of 6 x a week of 30 minutes cardio and 30 minutes pilates. Plus I have had a 1000 calorie diet, which I have now bumped up to 1200 calories after recent help from you all.

I need to maintain the way my body looks now and I do not want to gain weight while I am there.

The problem is

1.) He doesn't know I exercise. I know he does circuit training, but I felt embarassed to admit I started to because I wanted to look good in a bikini.

2.) All my workout videos come from YouTube, and though I remember them all by heart, I dont know when I will find time to do them all with him constantly around and showing me the country.

3.) He is a traditional Ukrainian family, and his mom cooks a lot, and I am scared I am going to really increase my calorie consumption with her cooking.

4.) I want to make a good impression on his family, and not freak out my boy by being obsessed and telling them "oh I can't eat that, or I just want fruits and vegetables" etc.

I know he is does weight training and circuit training, and I am tempted ask him when I arrive to do it with him, but do you think I could handle his routine?

SO what do I do? Do I just tell him and his folks? I know he always said he never wanted a girl who would only eat salads or was obsessed with what she ate. How do I keep my regiment going without making a bad impression?

If you can't talk to him about it now, it's not going to be any easier when he's living with you. If he's the right person for you, it's not going to be a problem. If he's not the right person for you, and it is a problem, better you know now than later.

Presumably you know the food well enough to know what the healthier items are. Take bigger servings of the healthier stuff, and smaller portions of the less-healthy stuff. Take small bites. Talk a lot to keep your eating paced.