How do I know if I'm overtraining??

Curious.... I've never ran a race before and only casually ran 3 miles 2-3x a week before i decided to start training for my first HALF-marathon. I am not following any schedule on any running site. I'm just taking what I've learned and doing it when I feel like it.... I'm just curious if you guys think its overkill, not enough, or just right. (by the way i would like to be a top spot!)

ex. training schedule:

MON. 5miles....casual 2mile jog for cool down.... the first 3 miles are done by running super fast one minute and walking the next...(guess that's HIIT) on an incline of 5
TUES. HIIT 25 min on bike, HIIT for 1 mile treadmill, no incline. Weights...leg ext, calves, hamstrings, hips, back, abs (3 sets of 10-15 reps)
WED. endurance run - 3-6 miles on treadmill incline of 2
THURS. 3 miles of HIIT incline of 1 and hour high intensity strength training class. low weight extreme number of reps
FRI. easy day - elliptical, or easy jog 45 mins / abs
SAT. Long run, outside 6-8 miles...pushing the last bit of each mile...walking for a minute after each mile for breath and water (in FL)
SUN. rest

by the way i'm female 24 yrs old, 5'8" 141 lbs (dunno fat percentage)
Mileage varies on everyone...but personally I do think you're overdoing it. This looks very similar to my schedule when I started getting hurt last year. I tend to push myself very very hard until my body rebels, you seem the same way. We must be similar animals. ha. :D You are doing way too much HIIT stuff. You really only need 1 quality day of that each week, only need 1-2 days of mid-distance tempo runs and 1 day of a long run. Between all that can be your weights/eliptical, swimming or spinning. Course leave one day OFF completely. I think many runners run the mistake (no pun intended!) of overdoing their mileage. Take 2 runners one does a lot of "busy work" running many many miles each week, and the other does half the mileage but makes everything she does with well thought out quality. The one who has done quality (not quantity) will be the one that wins the race, hands down. I instruct swimmers, and same goes for them. I've seen it over and over and over and 99.9% thats what happens. I've even tried it myself. Its the quality workout training seasons that have gotten me to my goals and I worked half the time getting there. Makes for a lot more free time and enjoyable outlook on your workouts :) I would consider finding a plan on a site like "" that will give you those quality workouts, but also make you slow down a little. they aren't weanie workouts, they're used by recreational and elite runners alike. You have a ways before your race, you don't want to burn out or get hurt before it!
you instruct swimmers...

please see my log. I am struggling with with a few things in converting my open water experience into pool workouts.

Alexi- I hadnt seen this thread yet. Sparrow is right!

yeah yeah that's it.

my one recomendation is to take a day, like this saturday and just see how long you can run continuously. Just take it easy, 8-9 minute pace and run honey! just go run! forget the event, forget the distance, let your belly go loose, try different arm swings, think heel doe, toe heel, count steps, count down steps, think of shopping, think of boys, whatever...... and just go out and run for an hour "or two." Don't kill yourself, Don't monitor yourself, and just check out what ya really got "in there."

hmm i think you shoudl be fine, this is my schedule and im feeling fine
Mon-Fri- cadets(a sort of pre lifeguard training/conditioning from 9 - 12 in addition to the running)
Mon- 8 mi
Tue- 9 mi
Wen- 8 mi
Thurs- 9 mi
Fri- 8 mi
Sat- 12 mi
Sun- 8
man, the way you guys work out would make any guy think that you were doing marathons for a living (and i can sense that i might need to put my foot in my mouth by saying that.. lol) personally though, i'll know if i'm over training when, after a workout, i feel overly exhausted instead of feeling more invigorated
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no offense Crimson, but how old are you? Are you doing this mileage inside or outside? Morning or night? Male or Female?

62 miles a week is "quite" impressive.

What pace do you typically run? How many weeks have you been doing this?

And your diet?

just curious

hmm i think you shoudl be fine, this is my schedule and im feeling fine
Mon-Fri- cadets(a sort of pre lifeguard training/conditioning from 9 - 12 in addition to the running)
Mon- 8 mi
Tue- 9 mi
Wen- 8 mi
Thurs- 9 mi
Fri- 8 mi
Sat- 12 mi
Sun- 8

:eek2:You must be SUPERMAN/(woman?). Three hour cadets PLUS that running? When is your day off? When do you recover? You must have one hell of a diet/sleep schedule to be able to pull that off on a consistant basis. I will tell you that what you posted here is NOT normal for the average joe athlete. Most people would have overtraining issues (i.e INJURY!) with even half of that. I know I would.
wow!! impressive but, are you periodizing you wont be able to keep up that kind of pace with out taking a minimum of one week per month at 50% intensity and distance otherwise your adventure at best will be short lived..and its a definite no-no to do high intensity for two days in a row you will not lose any gains by taking more rest it will actually improve your performance here is a sample of what i do
monday:fullbody weights light on the legs
teusday:am-22mile bike ride stretch/noon-core workout/pm-22mile bike ride stretch
wednesday:fullbody weights light on the legs
thursday:am-22mile bike ride stretch/noon-core workout/pm-22mile bike ride stretch
friday:fullbody weights light on the leg
sunday:walk eighteen holes of golf(4hours)(6-8mi)
weight workouts are kept to max 60min
core workout 60min
22mi bike ride 1h 45min to 2h depending on which direction i hit the 2mi long hill
and the next step is to go three days biking and two days lifting for maintenance
the best way to make sure you are not going to over train is to track volume progress in month and week long blocks only adding no more than 5-10% total volume each week(total volume can be time or distance depending on your focus)
are you training for something in particular because it seems like you have conflicting goals within your workout
as far as over training goes you'll get restless at night
head aches
elevated blood pressure
start feeling fatigued
possible get a cold for no apparent reason
if you still are ignoring the warnings then possible
injury-tendinitis or worst