Sport How Do I Keep High Energy Levels?

Sport Fitness
Hi, I like to keep active every day and love to do exercise!
I'm not trying to loose weight (if anything trying to put weight on) and my question is: "How Do I Keep My Energy Levels High?"
I do not take things like Protein Shakes I just don't do them. Also I do weight lifting as well as martial arts and cardio (rowing/running/cycling). The problem I seem to be having is that I start to shake when exercising too long. I believe the solution is to do with nutrition but I'm not sure what exactly I should be eating to keep myself rolling.


(I searched the forum and believe there are no other topics on this)
I don't believe the shaking is due to nutrition. I think its alot to do with your body saying "thats enough thankyou" and trying to get you to stop.

Your muscles hold something called glycogen. Its needed to make the muscles work. Once this has run out your muscles become weak and start to shake as they cannot maintain the same effort you require from them.

Yes eating can and will help, but this is not (just) a nutritional issue (and its carbs you need not protein), its about building up your stamina, doing an hour or less a day, even 30 mins a day and building up on that bit by bit, pushing past your comfort zone a little more each 6 weeks or so and monitoring it each day to see if you notice any patterns.

Food wise, aim to eat within 3 hours to working out but not within 30 mins (and not within an hour if you can manage it). Aim to eat a fist size portion of complex carbohydrates, a palm size of protein and some fresh fruit and veg. Any healthy fats should come from your protein, as in oily fish (oils from) or meat.

Aim to replenish after a workout too. A mixture of protein and carbohydrates is a wise choice especially if you have been working out a long time. The sooner your body has the nutrients it requires to replenish, the sooner it can work on fixing any broken parts and helping you to get your stamina back.

And weight- make sure you are at a healthy weight. All the training in the world and if your weight is too low or too high (Healthy BMI is between 19.5-25) and your fighting an uphill battle all the way. Research has shown that the human body responds remarkably better at a BMI which is healthy and this is why a healthy BMI range has been created.

And if all else fails, caffiene!
Well, it could be nutrition based, or as already stated it could just be 'too damn much for the nervous system'.

nothing wrong with 'not doing protein shakes' as long you understand there is no significant difference between a protein shake and a cooked chicken breast. Both are protein rich foods.

regardless, I'd be curious to see your daily food intake (time of day, foods eaten and in what quantities) along with the time of your workouts and martial arts practice.

poor carbohydrate choices can lead to spikes and drops in blood sugar, which can lead to lack of energy and the shakes. This is pretty easy to fix if its the source of your issues.

To increase energy levels take balanced diet and food full of energy components and to keep fresh yourself go out for roaming anywhere after work,and exercise regularly,thanks.
The exercise and energy works together. Regular exercise will help to enhance your energy level.You can also get good iron or health supplements that can enhance your energy from health food or drug stores.
well said summer, there is always a limitation in every thing we do, no matter how much we want to give ourselves into it, the thing is, we only have a mortal body dont push yourselves too hard
I concur with the comments regarding knowing your limits.

It's great when you are able to do so much, but it's also too easy to simply go a bit too far. If you feel you are not doing too much check your diet, and if it's clean enough-up it by several hundred cals per day. Alternatively plan enough rest time to allow recovery. If you are active seven days a week then at least try to get 8 hours sleep per night. When was the last time you woke up felling energised? If you are waking and still feeling tired/aching you need to rest more. Taking a day off ALL exercise/physical activity at least once a week, and getting sufficient rest, does you the world of good!

Food wise, you could eat a good meal within an hour before doing whatever activity it is you do, as in the same way you should eat before (and after) weight training. And if gaining a little extra fat is not a concern then it may be more beneficial to reward yourself nutritionally once or twice per week (within or out of your limit).
New to this forum

My name is Nicole Anderson i am new to this forum and i have improve my energy levels which type of food i have to taken for the improve my energy levels.

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My name is Nicole Anderson i am new to this forum and i have improve my energy levels which type of food i have to taken for the improve my energy levels.

Just a balanced healthy common sense diet should do it. Energy comes from stamina and treating your body with respect. There is no magic food or things to give you any more stamina then anything else.

However, eating too much refined foods such as white bread, white pasta, sweets, chocolate, crisps...etc can give you a blodd sugar rush and then a sudden drop. This can mean your energy levels feel as if they crash and you feel as if you have no energy. If you can steer clear or cut back on the refined (junk) foods. Otherwise its just what I said, common sense.

If you notice your energy levels are way too low, concerntration is not possible and you feel faint, make an appointment with a doctor to rule out things like anemia or vitamin deficiencies.