How do I improve my stamina?

Hi Everybody,
I have been running 3 times evry week for the past 1yr (mostly to loose weight :), present BMI is 22.5 ).I do enjoy the routine.But my problem is I seem to be running extremely do I improve my stamina (and thus my speed), without putting on any weight?....I am a vegetarian.
Hope somebody has an answer to this,
From my personal experience as well as from hearing other people's opinions and observations, stamina should increase gradually over time with proper diet and exercise :)

People who are obese have the worse amount of stamina and those who are active in their lives seem to have more stamina :)

"Judging from what you said, I think you aren't pushing yourself hard enough."
Just a generalization, your stamina should be increasing over time, as your body gets used to the movement of running or any cardiovascular activity. You will eventually become faster and more efficient at doing so.

My solution to you is :

you should begin to time yourself, what is your fastest mile? try to beat your mile time gradually over weeks. Since you are experiencing your runs to be slow, you should start slow, and work your way up. Whenever you run, you should have a strong-mindset of your goal, which is to beat your previous times :) I think with proper motivation, you will become faster.
run faster or run longer. if you ahve been running the same rountine for a year, your body has gotten use to it, and therefore it isnt doing much. you needa shock the system. try once a week, sprint/jog/sprint/jog etc..shock your body. and gradually increase.
stamina+speed+loss of weight should come slowly provided you keep at it.

running stamina and speed are related but not necessarily related...

stamina... the ability to sustain the activity...

speed... how fast you do it...

ok... so perhaps you can reach speed x for only a short period of time and increased stamina would help you sustain that speed...

Ultimately though what we are looking at it... relative effort...

Lets say that you can sustain 50% effort for 1 hour without drop off... increasing your stamina might get you to 50% for 1.5 hours... and then perhaps you could do 60% effort for that hour... blah blah...

speed however is say... at 50% effort how fast are you going...

So if you increase your stamina you can increase your effort hold it... thus going faster...

BUT if you increase your "strength" or speed of running somehow such that a 50% effort produces a greater speed then you can go faster with less effort...

So which will give you better results... I don't know... but you train to increase speed by running fast and perhaps adding in explosive type exercises like plyometrics...

To work on stamina you run long and slow...

another aspect of this is your ability to suck oxygen...

Anyways... I just wanted to point out that perhaps a 2 prong approach is the way to go... some days you just run long and slow and work on endurance... and other days... you run fast... intervals... run.. jog (or walk) to recover... run... or doing repeats... etc...

But trying to run both longer and faster at the same time is a recipe for injuring yourself... IMHO...
define running and stamina from your perspective.

what comes to my mind is resistance. When I want to run 10 faster on a flat surface (outside or inside), I will run hills (or inclines) for 6-7 miles and work that routine until I no longer get sore from the run. That is typically 2 or 3 trips.

then go back to your ten on flat ground and it is a breezier!

This practice is called "working out"

I crack myself up!!
My theory on stamina, coming from countless years of MTB is:
You have to push yourself to the limit, to get past it.
