Weight-Loss How can my pickles have 0 calories?


Wild Vulpix

New member
Like, seriously? So I can go about eating a thousand pickles and not gain a pound? It sounds too good to be true--so it's probably not! But why would the jar say 0, if that's just... impossible?? (Dill pickles, if it makes a difference.)
The only problem with pickles is they have a high sodium. So just watch out with that water retention!
well..cause pickles are cucumbers that have sat in brine.
And brine contains lots and lots and lots of sodium.
Cucumbers have hardly any calories, if any.
And so the cycle continues,
nothing has been added to pickles beyond salt.
So it's basically a very salty cucumber.
Like other users pointed out, pickles still have calories, just negligible enough that the manufacturer can label them as 0 cal (I think <5 cal/serving). However, if you ate 1000 of them, those so-called negligible calories would add up.

Same idea with sugarless gum.

Also, I ate a (delicious) Jimmy John's pickle today, and their nutrition website list the calorie content as 15. It was a big pickle.

the simple act of chewing and digesting the pickles negates any calories that were in them to begin with

This is pretty much the same idea as so-called "negative food" (calories taken in are equal to or less than calories burned by chewing/digesting). I've read in more than a few places that the math there doesn't add up. For one thing, average calories burned chewing is 11 calories per hour. If it takes you more than an hour to eat a pickle, then you might have other things to worry about. I think there might be a sticky somewhere in the forum that talks about this, as well as calories burned during digestion in greater detail.

A few pickles probably won't matter - they might as well be 0 cal. But 1000 pickles will add a lot of calories. Also, you'll have brine breath, an urpy tummy full of pickles, and be holding a lot of water weight from so much salt. I bet you'd fart a lot, too.
If you're just eating a normal serving of pickles - let's say a few pickle spears with your lunch, I wouldn't even bother counting those. No one's calorie count needs to be that exacting in the first place - and as you've discovered pickles / cucumbers (and a lot of vegetables) are utterly negligible in their calorie count. Indulge. Have fun. Enjoy the flavor. But due to reasons others have pointed out, it wouldn't make sense to try to eat loads of them at a time, all that brine will do a number on your tummy and you will pray to never see another pickle as long as you live. :)
Those darn pickles. Now I know if I had not eaten all those pickles, I would never have weighed 311 Lbs. I have learned my lesson, no more pickles for me.

Darn you for bumping this topic! Now I REALLY want some pickles, but I'm at school. Nooooooo!

Now you see, I'm not the kind of person to just have a pickle slice or two. I binge, and binge bad on those little yummies. I usually eat a whole jar, unless I can stop myself--then I'll only eat half.

For some reason though, my new pickle jar does have the calories on it... 5 slices of pickles (hamburger slices) for 5 calories. 10 servings per jar. So, I guess my jars of pickles is ~50 calories? See! That's.... sort of...a lot...ish...maybe.......

I want pickles :(
I love pickles. The dill kind. most of the time the jar says something like 5 calories.

they have a lot of sodium though, so eating a lot of pickles is not healthy.
The calories are so low that they just say 0. It's probably like 3-5 calories per pickle.

bingo bango bongo baby lol its 5