Weight-Loss How Can I Stop The Cravings???



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For about two months, my mom has been buying gigantic economy-sized jars of peanut butter for the household. Originally it was for my nieces because they like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but lately I've been having some on whole wheat bread. I don't want it anymore. It makes me crave other sweets and it feels like a binge. Plus it is WAY too many calories/fat grams than I need. I need to cut it out. I need to have it in my house for the kids, so how can I stop the cravings for peanut butter? It's not so easy...

Hi does your peanut butter have frutose(very bad stuff) in it? What I would do is buy the 100% natural peanut butter no added sweetners and then you won't crave it so much. Another thing that my mother pointed out to me when she had come down for a visit that I needed more green vegetables so everyday I have a cup of homemade vege soup and for sure 2 cups of broccoli and other veges and she was right like mothers usailly are my cravings seem to have gone in hiding. You see when your body needs a certain vitamin your body will crave everything and anthing until your body receives that vitamin. It works for me it might work for you.
Jericho are you everywhere are you stocking me? Man do some research Fructose is not a natural sweetner made from fruit like they the people who are saving a ton of money by using frutose like us to think because they are making billions of dollars on people who don't care as yourself, but it is actually a natural killer and the leading cause of obestity(duh) did you know(which I do not think you do or you don't care which ever)that frutose is a product manufactured from cornstarch that goes through extensive chemical tweeking and genetic modifacation making it far from natural and unsafe. In fact frutose works like a anti-deit pill giving uncontrolled eating urges I could go on but man do your own reseach or just keep your head in the sand like an ostrich whatever I don't care but if you don't have a clue what your talking about stay out and let other people be healthy if they choose to.
First, I'm a mod, I check all the threads. I respond mostly when i see incorrect information.

I posted my research from the Mayo Clinic, a gold standard in the medical community.

You know what the real leading cause of obesity? Lean close..I'll whisper it to you..

eating too many calories

Seriously, I wonder if you realize some of what you are saying. Yes, Fructose is a processed item. So? Processed and created are NOT evil. Neither is genetic modification.

I'm sure you mean well but if you noticed, I'm always backing up what I say with posted research. Would you care to respond in kind?
Ya sure have you ever heard of doctor David Williams? Check out his site do a little more reseach that would be LINK REMOVED and he is a doctor are you?
And of course to many calories make you fat but what makes you eat that much to begin with? No will power?
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could you have linked a site that I didn't have to remove due to it being one big pill shopping center?

See, I'm asking about actual medical case studies or reports, not someone pushing suspect pills claiming to do all sorts of things.

BTW: Researched your doctor


Doctor of Chiropractic and Bachelor of Science: Texas Chiropractic College
Bachelor of Arts (Business Administration): Southwest Texas State University
Research Projects: University of Houston, San Antonio College, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Jacinto College, and Rice University

Chiropractic and Business Administration. I could comment more but I think that says a lot.
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Jerico I saw your qualifications in your profile and you are teaching other people and slandering me? For your information Dr. David Williams does not just sell pills(which are not bad for you he sells everyday multi vitamins which I assume are not harmful for you)which for the record I do not take his because they are to expensive for my budget I buy my vitamins from walmart and costco and I take grounded flax seed, did you know(but I am pretty sure you don't know) that flax seed 4tbsp. of this(of course working up to this amount gradually over time) will help you lose body fat, unlike your diet coke product which will actually cause weight gain over time? And flax seed will also fight over 27 cancers.I have learnt this and other knowledge through Dr.David Williams who pratices alternative medicine, and through education-studying fitness and nutrition and reading the clean eat diet, body for life and a few others so you see I do know my stuff unlike you you just assume that I am wrong and you are right. Now I know before you get all huffy, if I know all this knowledge why am I here right? I am here for mural support you see I had lost 100lbs before my sister passed away she passed away as I was still trying to lose the last 30lbs I am a stress eater, now I haven't gained any of the 100lbs back on but I just can't seem to get back on track, so thats why I am here hoping to get some mural support and hopefully return it back to someone else and the knowledge I have learnt along the way and losing those last 30lbs? You Jerico? Now so back to Willlose60's question eating more green vegetables and getting rid of frutose will help that craving trust me ... its helping me, I have had no cravings since I added in more GREEN vegetables and got rid of frutose from my diet I have been doing great for 1 week now(which for about 4yrs I couldn't even make 2 days) through progams like this with other people to help give helpfull advice and that little trick I just taught you with the veges and that chemical. Even though Jerico does not agree and will probably take this message of as he is always right. This works.

For about two months, my mom has been buying gigantic economy-sized jars of peanut butter for the household. Originally it was for my nieces because they like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but lately I've been having some on whole wheat bread. I don't want it anymore. It makes me crave other sweets and it feels like a binge. Plus it is WAY too many calories/fat grams than I need. I need to cut it out. I need to have it in my house for the kids, so how can I stop the cravings for peanut butter? It's not so easy...


Have you tried taking a teaspoon of vinegar whenever you feel a very strong craving? That seems to work for me. But it sure is nasty. Use in moderation. :ack2:
Have you tried taking a teaspoon of vinegar whenever you feel a very strong craving? That seems to work for me. But it sure is nasty. Use in moderation. :ack2:

I will put apple cider or rice wine vinegar on my veggies. It does somehow help to curb any extra cravings i am having, but mostly I just like the taste. :)

One more suggestion. I don't know if your craving sweets in general, or just peanut butter, but Kashi makes a granola bar (I think it is called Peanut Peanut Butter) That is pretty good for you (I like Kashi products because they use healthier ingredients, have more protein and fiber, and less saturated fat then most granola/snack bars) and I think it's about 140 or so calories.

Good luck with kicking those cravings to the curb!
Jerico I saw your qualifications in your profile and you are teaching other people and slandering me?

I have not slandered you. I slandered your information. I have not said anything about you personally. The one thing I did direct to you was an infraction cause you posted a link to a site that sells pills. Just like anyone else who posts such a site, I removed it. I then redirected you to the forum rules about links. As far as my qualifications, it would be different if I hadn't backed up my statements with an established medical communities' links (Mayo Clinic).

For your information Dr. David Williams does not just sell pills(which are not bad for you he sells everyday multi vitamins which I assume are not harmful for you)

Ok hold right there. You assume they are not harmful to you. You should always do your research into medication, herbal or otherwise, that you take. I gave you this guy's educational background. I looked at his site, I saw things he has been a part of. He is an alternative medicine salesman. I'm not saying alternative is bad, but alternative is also hype. If medical case studies can't back up the claims..then that is all it is. Hype.

which for the record I do not take his because they are to expensive for my budget I buy my vitamins from walmart and costco and I take grounded flax seed, did you know(but I am pretty sure you don't know) that flax seed 4tbsp. of this(of course working up to this amount gradually over time) will help you lose body fat

WEBMD - Flax seed

Mayo Clinic - Flax Seed
Flax seed is wonderful. It contains (information from webmd)

* Omega-3 essential fatty acids, "good" fats that have been shown to have heart-healthy effects. Each tablespoon of ground flaxseed contains about 1.8 grams of plant omega-3s.

* Lignans, which have both plant estrogen and antioxidant qualities. Flaxseed contains 75- 800 times more lignans than other plant foods

* Fiber. Flaxseed contains both the soluble and insoluble types.

But lose body fat? Sorry, that is one claim that is just that...a claim. It doesn't do anything to the body that affects fat. Now, it is fiber. Fiber fills you up and you tend to fill less hungry so you eat less. You eat less and you consume less calories thus, weight loss. It's an indirect benefit, but it's not ment to be claimed as a way to lose fat. Second, 4 tablespoons is twice the recommended dose a person should have a day. Why push it? Yes, there are a few studies that have gone up to 6 but the medical community suggests 2. Why? There is cyanide in flax seed. It's not out and out dangerous but it can build up in your system over time as the body can only break down a portion of it.

unlike your diet coke product which will actually cause weight gain over time?

Ok, to show you that I can argue your side as well for you.

Mayo Clinic - Is Diet Soda bad for you?

There is some research that suggest too much is bad but no one is telling him to drink 2 cases a day. Everything has to be in moderation but to just push it aside with a broad stroke is wrong. Hell, this particular thread isn't about diet soda. That's the other one I'm debated against you. This is about fructose.

And flax seed will also fight over 27 cancers.

Problem. You have overreached. There is not enough medical evidence that it does fight cancer (read the Mayo Clinic information). The problem is overclaiming. You are taking something that IS good and hyping it up without backing it up with credible medical evidence or research.

I have learnt this and other knowledge through Dr.David Williams who pratices alternative medicine, and through education-studying fitness and nutrition and reading the clean eat diet, body for life and a few others so you see I do know my stuff unlike you you just assume that I am wrong and you are right.

Body for Life, written by Bill Phillips, a former competitive bodybuilder and owner of EAS, a manufacturer of nutritional supplements.

Clean Eat Diet, written by Tosca Reno, a fitness model and columnist.

I'm sorry, you might know your stuff but if your stuff is coming from people selling nutritional supplements and models instead of medical doctors (and David Williams is a Doctor of Chiropractic and Bachelor of Science so let's not kid outselves) then just how good is your stuff? I didn't assume you are wrong, I countered with medical experts. Real medical experts who don't have something to sell me thus slanting thier viewpoint.[/QUOTE]

Now I know before you get all huffy, if I know all this knowledge why am I here right? I am here for mural support you see I had lost 100lbs before my sister passed away she passed away as I was still trying to lose the last 30lbs I am a stress eater, now I haven't gained any of the 100lbs back on but I just can't seem to get back on track, so thats why I am here hoping to get some mural support and hopefully return it back to someone else and the knowledge I have learnt along the way and losing those last 30lbs? You Jerico?

First, I am sorry that your sister passed way. My blessings. I too am here for support and to lose weight. I'm obviously no thin man and I have a long way to go. I'm also here about information and when I see information that should be countered, I do. The difference is I've been backing mine up with renowned groups like WebMD and the Mayo Clinic. You haven't. You backed your claims up with an herb supplement site. People come here for real information.

Now so back to Willlose60's question eating more green vegetables and getting rid of frutose will help that craving trust me ... its helping me, I have had no cravings since I added in more GREEN vegetables and got rid of frutose from my diet I have been doing great for 1 week now(which for about 4yrs I couldn't even make 2 days) through progams like this with other people to help give helpfull advice and that little trick I just taught you with the veges and that chemical. Even though Jerico does not agree and will probably take this message of as he is always right. This works.

I'm glad it worked for you. I really am. I think you are connecting one to something else though. You are wondering about craving. You ate green vegetables. Almost all green vegetables are fibrous. Fiber causes the body to fill fuller. I don't think it is the fructose, I think it's the fiber.

Look, if you can back up your claims without it being a site that just sells pills, please show it. I'm not stalking you but I'm not going to just let misinformation and hype pass by without pulling the hype down. Show the science.
Jerico I give up, it is not the fact that you proved me wrong because we could be arguing here for ever arguing this point(I hate arguring), I know what works and what doesn't work and I know about cheimacls and what they do the mind and body. I have an idea put your thoughts to where your mouth is I have a challenge for you, because your a man and your heavier-no offense intended it is just easier that when a person weighs more they tend to lose weight faster then a person who has less to lose and that is also with being a man you will lose weight faster then me, okay here it is you lose 60lbs your way with your knowledge and I will lose 30lbs my way with my knowledge if you up for this challenge start a thread and I will follow and we will see daily how the other is doing by checking into the post and once a week post our honest weight loss deal? Or are you scared?
Here is the problem. This isn't really a debate. A debate is when both sides puts up credible evidence and you discuss the pros and cons and..well..debate.

What we have here is me providing medical evidence and you saying 'I know what I know'. That isn't debating, that's the playground when someone says 'I'm rubber and you're glue'.

As far as your challenge, might I ask what this has to do with the discussion about the effects of sweeteners..or even this person's original request? This is gotten way off track.

I'm declining your challenge. I do welcome debate and discussion but seriously, 'am I too scared'? This isn't the 5th grade. This is a place for people to get real information and real support.

WillLose, I'm sorry this thread was hijacked into this 'discussion'. Take whatever you want from this.
Oh no, I'm sorry I didn't read and reply to this earlier. I'm sorry this has turned into a fight! It's kind of interesting to read, but I feel bad for everyone involved.

To get back to the original post (and a few replies), yes, I have some Kashi granola bars! Mine aren't peanut butter though, but pumpkin pie flavor as well as a raspberry chocolate one. They're 140 calories as well. I also like the idea of adding soups and veggies to my diet. Thank you!

This morning went better, with no peanut butter involved. I'll have to credit that to my new job that I started at 6 a.m. (today was my first day). I was in a bit of a rush, so all I had time for was cereal with soy milk and a granola bar. I think it was a much better choice. I'm also thinking I'd like some Eggbeaters to make omelets. It would be a nice change.

Please stop arguing! I'm almost sorry I even started this thread... :(

Peanut butter is a sweet but salty treat that provides enough protein to keep you full and satisfied. Some theories say that you crave what you are deficient in. In other words, if you are deficient in protein, you’ll crave protein rich foods. There is little scientific evidence to back this theory, but it could explain some of your peanut butter cravings.

The best way to cure a craving is to give in to it. Keep it within reason to avoid excessive fat and calories. At 190 calories and 16 grams of fat per serving, it’s easy to overdo it. However, a serving is a generous 2 Tbsp. Keep it to 1 tablespoon, and spread it on celery, apple slices or a banana. Those choices keep the calories low and give you a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
this is a 3 year old post! I understand that you're trying to be helpful, but there's virtually no chance that the original poster will ever receive your advice.
I've pointed that out as well. People need to pay attention to the dates of the original posts, especially if the OP has only a couple of posts.