How can i lose weight quickly and safely!

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I wouldnt say that i am big but i am unhappy.

I am 5" 5 roughly and weigh just under 10 stone, 20 years old.

I have quite big legs, do you know of anything i can do to make these a lot smaller, its the same with my arms.

I dont mind my stomach too much but i am trying to do as many sit ups as i can.

I have cut my calorie intake down to just under 1000 but for a while now whenever i eat i get a really sore stomach and it doesnt seem to matter what i eat. I am not that keen on fruit and veg so i have to make myself eat this (doesnt happen much)

I have started to do 3 hours dancing on a Monday (belly dancing and ballroom/latin), go horse riding once a week and i have to get myself to go back to the gym which i will start this week.

I am going on holiday in 6 weeks and i know im going to dread putting a bikini on.

Please Help!
Looking at what your bmi is -
at your current weight and height... you are not overweight...

Your Body Mass Index of 23.34 is an indication of normal weight.

According to an average BMI of 22.5 your weight should be 134 lbs.

which would be a 6 lb loss... having your current weight at 10 stone -w hich is 140 lbs - though if you are udner that - you might very well be at your current weight...

that's one pound a week that you could lose... you can do that by watching your calories.... and to be honest, sometimes eating less isnt the solution... your body needs fuel to function... if you deprive it of that fuel, bad things could happen...

If you are indeed at your correct weight.. then it's toning you want to concentrate on and not losing any weight... take your measurements and use that as a judge.

we encourage safe, sane, and healthy lifestyle choices..
WHOA NELLIE!!! Let me get this right...does 1 stone = 14 lbs? If yes, then you only weigh 140 lbs? and you are 5'5"??? That would put you right in the middle of a healthy BMI. I would STRONGLY advise you to not cut the calories out like that. Not only should you never go below 1200 cals in a day (unless ordered and supervised by a doctor), but you probably just need to tone as opposed to LOSE. I am not positive of the healthy BMI numbers, but you might be able to lose a FEW lbs and stay in a healthy BMI, but you have no severe weight/health issue that would allow for a serious caloric drop. My suggestion? Keep up with the dancing and get into a gym with a trainer to help you tone up. 6 weeks is a good amount of time for you to be able to see toning.
After trying numerous diets without success, I began taking Herbal Phentermine weight loss pill before I ate a starch meal. In 3 months, I lost 45 pounds from my six-foot, 215-lb.I highly recommend to use it. Check out the products here:
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Well, I'm right there with Mal & Bep.

In most cases, if you cut your calories too low, then your body starts storing fat and your metabolism doesn't work as it should, so you aren't burning calories efficiently.

You're probably ok with your tummy because you've been doing tummy exercises - there are a lot of exercises out there to help tone your legs and arms.

Nothing is easy, it takes work, but it doesn't always take reducing calories.

Good luck you CAN tone your body :D

I read your post and want to give you a suggestion.

DON'T SPAM!! :cuss:


Acai is nonsense, and if you want a colon cleanse, have two bottles of prune juice on an empty stomach, and you'll be able to sh*t through the eye of a needle without hitting the sides! And it'll cost you a lot less than those stupid berries and all the other stuff that just doesn't work.
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San - you just made me spit Diet Coke all over my keyboard. I swear that's the best response ever to the "cleanse" BS.

I'm with the others: 1000 calories is way too little, and you're already at a healthy weight. You need to get in shape and build some muscle to restructure your body, not lose more weight.

Look into weight lifting, resistance training, and full body exercises.
Hey laura,

when i first started dieting i weighed just over 16 stone, it was horrible and i tried everything. I just finished the atkins with no luck so gave "Dieting for dummies" a go. It really helped and after 1 month i had lost 3.6 stone, so i imagine you could loose a lot before you go on holiday. You can find the site SPAMSPAMSPAM

Good Luck

And another it 'Spammers are us' in this thread by any chance?

And don't click the's that absolutely useless fatloss4idiots, and it's hosted through clickbank, which means the spam person makes money every time somebody clicks the link.....:(
I think you should keep it go on. for a long time.

and if you think you are health. you may probably try this way.

do below in 7 days.

1st day. decrease what you eat to 60%
2nd day. just eat the vegetables and fruit whole day.
3-6 same as the 2nd day.
7 increase you normal food to 20 % + vegetables and fruit
8. increase to 50-60 % normal food.

sure ,you will loss your wt around 10.

PS: boiled vegetables, not the fried vegetables with oil.

remember only do this within 7 day , then back to normal .
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God it's a regular Spam fest in here >_<

Clean up on Aisle 9!!!

Laura, I can only reiterate what everyone (other than the spam morons) has already said.. you are at a healthy weight now, you most likely need to shape up through weightlifting etc to get the body shape you want... losing a few pounds isn't going to help, and losing more than a few isn't healthy for you.
Hi Frank it sounds like you are probably the right weight for your size.
So I wouldnt worry to much I dont really eat fruit either but its gotta be done man.
It sounds like you are keeping active wich will help tone up your body I have found a niffty site with a cool work out program wich will help.
I dont want to be seen as a spammer especialy on my first post so hears A little workout program I got from the site.

9 am - 10 pushups/15 bodyweight squats, repeat 1X for 2 sets
10 am - plank holds (hold the planks as long as you can taking short rest breaks for a total of 3 minutes)
11 am - 5 pushups/10 bodyweight squats, repeat for 4 sets
1 pm - plank holds (hold as long as possible in 3 minutes)
2 pm - 8 pushups/12 bodyweight squats, repeat for 3 sets
3 pm - plank holds (hold as long as possible in 3 minutes)
4 pm - max pushups/max bodyweight squats in one set (no repeat)
9 am - 6 fwd lunges each leg/6 rev lunges, repeat 1X for 2 sets
10 am - one legged bw Romanian deadlifts (RDL) 6 each leg/floor abs for 20 sec, repeat 1X for 2 sets
11 am - 3 fwd lunges each leg/3 rev lunges, repeat for 4 sets
1 pm - one legged bw RDL 3 each leg/floor abs for 20 sec, repeat for 4 sets
2 pm - 5 fwd lunges each leg/5 rev lunges, repeat for 3 sets
3 pm - one legged bw RDL 10 each leg/floor abs for 30 sec (no repeat)
4 pm - max fwd lunges each leg/max rev lunges in one set (no repeat)
In order to progress on these workouts, you could either add 1 or 2 reps to each set per week, or you could progress to more difficult versions of each exercise each

Your supposed to do about 5 mins an hour hope this helps.
Good luck man
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Strangely enough im the same age and roughly the same weight as you, lol. I've always been a fat kid because I couldnt say no to fatty food, until in June I became 80kg. Now i've learnt to say no to; coke, cheese, chocolate, sugary stuff etc.. I also joined the gym in June and did cardio/weights, and lost 5kg in a month, now 75kg!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but theres no "fast" way to lose fat/weight, and you cant target an area, fat is lost all over. Its like learning a language, it takes time. With the right diet, and hard work, it should take a year or two!

My advice is DONT cut down on all food, otherwise your body will go into "starvation mode" where your metabolism reduces, to save energy, making it impossible to lose weight, and then in the long run you'll be even fatter. Cut out the fatty sweets (chocolate, various candy) and food (bacon, pizza, fast food), and switch to healthy alternatives eg instead of white bread, eat brown bread. Instead of coffee or hot chocolate, have plain semi skimmed milk. Also eat more greens such as apples and especially banana's. Even if youre tempted, pinch yourself, asking "do I really want this?", or do things that get your mind of things like tempting food.

Make sure you join the gym and ask your trainer or people here for a nice cardio/weight loss programme! Good luck with your weight loss!

I just thought I'd try and contribute as I'm new to the forum :)

Weight loss can seem very slow and painful, and sometimes it doesn't feel like we are getting anywhere. However, in my opinion the key to lose weight quickly and safely is to first make a commitment to never give up no matter how tough it gets! The second, and more practical way is to start slow and slowly reduce your portions until you are in a calorie deficit.

I hope you find this helpful, if you need any other information just ask and I'll be happy to help :)

Best Wishes,

3 rapid weight loss tips

I wouldnt say that i am big but i am unhappy.

I am 5" 5 roughly and weigh just under 10 stone, 20 years old.

I have quite big legs, do you know of anything i can do to make these a lot smaller, its the same with my arms.

I dont mind my stomach too much but i am trying to do as many sit ups as i can.

I have cut my calorie intake down to just under 1000 but for a while now whenever i eat i get a really sore stomach and it doesnt seem to matter what i eat. I am not that keen on fruit and veg so i have to make myself eat this (doesnt happen much)

I have started to do 3 hours dancing on a Monday (belly dancing and ballroom/latin), go horse riding once a week and i have to get myself to go back to the gym which i will start this week.

I am going on holiday in 6 weeks and i know im going to dread putting a bikini on.

Please Help!

If you’re looking for the best rapid weight loss tips you’re on the right article. If you’re looking for healthy fat loss tips you’re on the right article and if you’re looking for the best weight loss tips, I guarantee that this will be one of the best articles you have ever read. These 3 rapid weight loss tips are easy, simple and will help you lose a whole lot of weight.

rapid weight loss tip1

Vitamins are great for losing weight because they give us the essentials we need to lose weight rapidly. When you eat vitamins you increase your metabolism and that makes it a whole lot easier for you to lose weight. Eating fresh fruits is a great way to get rid of weight rapidly because the vitamins inside of the fruits get rid of the unhealthy fats in your body. Another great thing you can eat is cooked vegetables. Vegetables are very effective weight loss foods because they are low in calories and they fill the stomach up. That’s great news because not only do the vegetables give us energy it also fills our stomach up so we don’t feel like overeating.

rapid weight loss tip2

Drinking 8 cups of water a day is a great way to lose fat rapidly. If you look at the best weight loss plans you will see that they all say the same thing, which is drink more and more water. Water not only keeps our skin healthy but it also cleans the unhealthy fats on the insides of our body. By cleaning up all the fats in our body, losing fat rapidly becomes easier.

rapid weight loss tip3

rapid weight loss exercises are a another great way to lose weight
rapidly. Simple things like walking for a mile can burn a lot of calories inside of your body. Jogging everyday will tone up your body making it look much more healthier. Bike riding tones up the whole body so the thighs, backside, stomach and hips all get a great workout.

read more tips (LINK REMOVED)
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do exercise for losing weight


You should try to start doing exercise and start using good foods which can reduce your weight.

Try to take low caloric foods…

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