How can i beat emotional eating?


New member
Hi, I am struggling to meet my goal weight. I eat healthy, work out 6-7 days a week. I combine cardio and strength training. Here is my problem, I am a college student and finals are coming up. So I am stressed, obviously, but I have kept up with my work out routine to remain sane. About 6 months ago is when I really started to realize that I am an emotional eater. At first I joked about it with friends and family becuase it wasn't really getting in the way of anything. But now i'm stuggling to lose the last 7 pounds. I have noticed that alot of my pointless eating is at night. I try and keep it healthy, yogurt and high fiber ceral, but I sometime slip and get out the icecream. I've also noticed that its worse when I am with my boyfriend. He lifts weights and is trying to put on mass so he is eating constantly. With him I get comfortable and when he starts to eat, even if I'm not hungry I begin to snack. He doesn't understand not eating for a purpose. Those body builders have much more self control than I do. I enjoy eating, ice cream isn't great for you but boy, IT JUST TASTES SO GOOD! How do I beat this? What things can I tell myself to stop this pointless eating late at night? And when I get stressed out, what else can I do other than work out to clam my nerves so that I don't get out the cookies and icecream? I'd really appreciate any advice. Thanks so much!!
Eat enough during the day. Spread out your meals, and sneak in light snacks in between to keep yourself full. If you're craving sugary things late at night, grab some fruit. Apples and peanut butter are my vice at the moment. A small apple and 2 tbs of peanut butter, and I'm all set. I don't keep any ice cream around, or sweets. I make sure to eat enough during the day and spread out my meals and snacks so I'm never really starving or craving anything. That way when I'm at the dining hall or whatever and my friends grab some ice cream, I can grab a little too and not feel so bad.

Eating at night isn't bad either. That's one huge myth. It's not good to binge at night, but having a light snack (around 250 calories) is perfectly fine.

I would suggest keeping fruits and veggies around when your bf decides to snack, so you can snack with him, but you're not eating ice cream.

Also, keep yourself hydrated. If you're nice and hydrated you won't feel as hungry at night.

Get enough sleep, and continue your workouts through finals. It will help keep your stress levels down to keep a routine.

Slipping up sometimes is really no big deal. A little bit of ice cream here and there is not the end of the world. The more you cut it out completely, the more you are going to crave it. Everything in moderation. :D
There is a quote that I really like...

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

I have used that quote more than once when tempted with something I shouldn't eat, and it does help me.

Binge eating from stress is emotional eating, but eating junk at night b/c you are bored, or b/c your boyfriend is eating is a habit (and a really hard one to break). If he is doing a good, "clean" bulk, then what he is eating should be good and healthy, just a lot of it, so that shouldn't present too much of a problem.

Boredom eating, while not as serious as true emotional eating, is a really tough habit to break. I'm going to suggest something totally insane - throw out the ice cream and junk. :eek: :eek: ok, now that you are over your shock, I'm serious, throw it out. You can't be tempted to eat what isn't there. When you get to the point where you have met your goals and can "afford" a treat, then buy yourself something small, preferably pre-portioned (as in a pint of ice cream instead of a 1/2 gallon, or ice cream bars).

Really though, throw it out. It is a very liberating act. Let me tell you, there is something about taking that junk food in your hands and physically dropping it in the trash that feels soooo good. It is a feeling of accomplishment and strength that you can control this and overcome the urge to eat things you shouldn't.
I too struggle with emotional eating. One thing that really helps me is keeping bottled water around. I tell myself to drink the 9oz of water and then if I still really want the snack I try to keep the portion small. More often than not, the water fills me up and hydrates me and I am no longer looking for a quick sugary fix. I also like to keep Nalgene bottles around with fresh water. I decorate the outside with inspirational stickers....sounds corny but it works and it's a great habit!!!
Don't eat your dinner too early so you don't get hungry at night. If it comes down to the ice cream once in awhile, make sure you have some low fat or non fat ice cream on hand. Ben & Jerry's and Haagen Daaz (sp?) make some healthier icecream now that's pretty darn good!
hmm maybe you can try pausing for a few minutes before u reach for an ice-cream to think about whether u really want to eat it.. think about whether its worth it to simply give in to ur cravings so easily.. that's what im trying to do too cos i tend to eat out of boredom and stuff.. i totaly agree with deschain, the best way would be to throw away all ur ice-cream and junk food. as the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind =) u dont have to give up ice-cream completely, u can start by reducing portions.. all the best!
Here's a couple of ideas, Have someone that you can call if you feel like eating or log onto this forum and read some of the threads.