Sport How am I doing??

Sport Fitness
So, i am trying to get out of my rut...its not easy thats for sure!

Here was today...

woke up WAAAAY to late for class, so had to grab something to eat during class...

so breakfast was: 2 granola bars (one oatmeal raisin, other was chocolate chip)

snack: chicken salad (canned chicken, chopped apples, miracle whip, italian dressing) with triscuit thin crisps and diet coke

lunch: 1/2 a box of pasta-roni (<--- BAD!!!) & glass of milk

snack: triscuit thin crisps

dinner: whole grain cous-cous, a turkey burger and some frozen veggies...all with a decent amount of seasoning salt, and i made an olive oil dressing with seasoning cause the cous cous was waay too bland.

and now i just ate 2 mini reese's cups.

i drank about 4-5 water bottles (and i usually have one more before bed)

also, i went on the rowing machine for 10 mins, ran a mile (mile + cool down added up to 11 mins) - i would have run for longer except i had my hour long pilates class to go to.

This is like an amazingly good day for me in terms of food and workout...

so what do you think? keep in mind, all my servings are probably much more than what the box says is a single serving
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the diet is... well not good. There is not enough protein, too many processed foods and sugar and not enough fruit and veggies.
Trainer Lynn said:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the diet is... well not good. There is not enough protein, too many processed foods and sugar and not enough fruit and veggies.


i know. and i wasnt kidding when i said that was a good day! Do you think adding protein to my diet will help me when i exercise? Will i notice any difference?

I actually didnt realize i wasnt eating enough protein...i knew i didnt eat much, but didnt realize how much you actually need :eek:

im gonna go searching for some threads on more info on how to get more protein!!
I definitely congratulate you on trying and getting better at it all. I recommend a protein and a healthy carb at every meal. Protein does not necessarily mean animal though. You can get protein through cottage cheese or beans or soynuts, etc.

I regularly post 5 tips to fat loss on the this forum. It may help you a bit...

1) Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day. Each meal should be 2-3 hours apart. Each meal should contain one protein and one carb. The first meal should be eaten within an hour after waking.

2) Drink a cup of water at each meal.

3) Rest properly. This means taking at least 48 hours between strength training the same muscles, and it also means getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Lastly, it means taking 1-2 days off from exercising per week.

4) Cardio. This should be done at different intensity levels and different session lengths. Consider doing a low intensity/long session, a high intensity/short session and a few medium intensity/medium length sessions.

5) Strength Training. Strength train each muscle 1-3 times per week. You should lift a proper weight and perform the proper amount of sets/reps for your strength training method. If you need more guidance or exercise ideas you can head over

All of the above things combined will result in fat loss.
thanks Lynn!

now i am sure this has been posted a lot, but doing a search for "protein" came up with sooo many i was wondering if you happen to know of a specific thread (if not, ill just keep looking! :) )

as we speak i am eating soy beans...i know those are really good for you (its ok if im adding salt, right? especially if i am having a water bottle?)

what else, other than the things you mentioned are good protein, and what exactly are "healthy" carbs?

more specifically...of those things you know of, what would be good to be (preferably) made the night before, and then, in the morning put in a backpack and carried around for at least 3 hours?? All the salads i have attempted to make go kinda bad, and things start getting warm and tasting kinda gross. This is why i have been snacking a lot on crackers and such.

Also, along with the salt on the soybean your opinion, if it means im going to be eating veggies/healthier things, do you think its ok to be seasoning things with seasoning salt, olive oil, etc?

thanks so much!
In addition to Lynn's excellent comments..

on protein...yes it will help you make more out of your workouts, as you need protein to rebuild muscle damaged during weight training (you ARE weight training, right??)

In addition, protein helps fill you up, and doesn't cause much of a blood sugar spike because its not a starchy carb. spikes in blood sugar followed by fast decreases in blood sugar are what makes you lethargic, especially after a big, carb filled lunch. now, your lunch looks ok, so you probably don't feel sluggish all afternoon.

Good proteins: egg whites (a few yolks are ok, whites are fat/cholesterol free), cottage cheese, chicken/turkey breast, lean cuts of beef, even diet lean grd. beef is fine in moderation, fish is good for you, but no more than 5 tins of tuna a week because of mercury content.

good carbs: steamed long grain (non instant) brown rice, sweet potatoes, old fashioned oatmeal, high fiber/low sugar cereals (anything Kashi, shredded wheat, Uncle Sam's, multibran chex)...there are some low carb, high fiber pasta's out now that work, but you gotta watch pasta sauces...even red sauces may have trans fats and tons of sodium...I usually have a little non-fat parmesian cheese, in lieu of a sauce.

Olive oil is fine, just don't use too much. Salt is ok in moderation, especially if you're not eating processed foods. Most americans eat too much salt because they dump a LOT of salt on processed foods which may already contain 50% of the USRDA for sodium.
thanks malkore about the egg comment, i was just about to ask that. Does that mean all the protein is in the white? And in that case, what about that egg white stuff in a carton? just as good, or better from the egg?

I incorporated an egg with my cous cous last night (yeah, i totally invented a recipe, it was interesting...), and i figure thats my best shot at eating at least one egg a day (if its just the whites, then 2 or 3), cause i dont really taste it.

ok, glad to here that about the salt. I really dont eat super processed foods all that often...and i never add salt if it has a high % of it already in it.

How much is "too" much olive oil? ive been using it instead of alfredo sauce on pasta and cous cous, cause i figure its at least healthier. I hate tomato sauce, so i dont even touch that stuff. What else would be a good alternative as a sauce??

Ok, one more comment...

malkore, for weight training...this might be the worlds dumbest question, but oh well..

is weight training specifically with weights?? Is it different than strength training? And I almost never ever ever do weights with my legs because of my gigantic thighs. I did just learn how the bulk may look like muscle, but could also be from fat, so would that help any? When i go in the weight room, i do abduction/adduction in that hip machine...sometimes hamstrings, cause i want mine to be more flexible, and then i do biceps, triceps.

I know free weights are better, but i am not walking in the free weight room...there are too many gigantic guys lifting 500lb weights...waaay too scary, haha! I do have a pair at home though, that i use way less than i should be.

Should i take that up a notch? And in reference to certain muscles, get as technical as you want ith the names, i took anatomy, so its all exciting when i hear about muscles and i know what ppl are talking about (and my friends are like wha????) hehe

thanks guys! :)
I'm not malkore so you can toss this post if you'd like :) You said:

malkore, for weight training...this might be the worlds dumbest question, but oh well..

is weight training specifically with weights?? Is it different than strength training? And I almost never ever ever do weights with my legs because of my gigantic thighs. I did just learn how the bulk may look like muscle, but could also be from fat, so would that help any? When i go in the weight room, i do abduction/adduction in that hip machine...sometimes hamstrings, cause i want mine to be more flexible, and then i do biceps, triceps.

I know free weights are better, but i am not walking in the free weight room...there are too many gigantic guys lifting 500lb weights...waaay too scary, haha! I do have a pair at home though, that i use way less than i should be.

Weight training can be body weight exercises. So actual free weight or barbells or machines are not necessary for strength training. I think you should be working out the entire body (all muscle groups) including the legs.

The ad/abduction machines are not the best. You'd be better off doing squats, lunges and step ups. Do compound exercises instead of isolation exercises. If you want to be more flexible in the hamstrings... stretch the muscles. Forward bends are great for that.

If you're afraid to walk into the free weight room... get free weights for your house. And PS you can learn a lot from the guys in that room :)
haha, i guess that question was directed towards anyone...

the reason i do the abduction machine is because my hips pop out, if i stand with my weight on one leg. I was told i needed to build muscle there to prevent that - i dont even know how true that is, but yeah....

haha, im sure i could, but i dont wanna stare at, i swear half of them are wanna be bodybuilders, where they lift a weight and then like, drop exercise class is underneath that room, and we constantly are hearing weights drop, lol

my exercise class teacher is a big promoter of squats...i think i need to do them better, cause i dont really feel it...i've asked him if im doing them right, and he says i am - and not to worry about feeling it

anyways, thanks for the advice :) i can do basically all of those in my no excuse NOT to do them!!
I know what you mean about the weightroom Oakley. I don't like it much either, I feel like they're all watching and saying: Look at that chick, poor thing, she does't know what she's doing.

I feel like a dummie with my 12 and 15 pounders but I pretend I don't see them. Luckily my gym has a female preferred on one side and they have pretty heavy weights they range from 5 to 30 in dumbbells (30 is heavy for me I guess) and some plates that are much heavier than that. Some guys go in there but...