How am I doing so far!?!?!!?


New member
Hey guys, the past week I have been eating VERY LITTLE! DEFINATLY less than 1000 calories a day. I also work out and go to school and active for the most part. and burn probley a 400 calories a day. My diet consist of MOSTLY vegitables ( Mainly carrots ,salad, and Celeary 95% of the time, Chicken,turkey and about a gallon of water a day. Today Since its friday I had about 4 slices of cheese and Turkey coldcuts with maybe a couple of grams of coldslaw. THANKS GUYS!

BTW I Am 17, weigh 248 lbs and am 5'11
why are you eating less than 1000 calories a day?

Stop right now and read the stickied thread in the forum -there will be a test when you're done..

what do you think you're doing iwth that long term?

where is the fiber in your diet?

What do your workouts consist of?
Fiber in my diet consist of the salad and other greens no? I am also doing on the ab lounge 5 sets of 20 sit ups, running/walking 2 miles a day.
As far as how hungry I am, i am never hungry in school and when i come home I have a little snake. before i go to school i have a couple celery stalks with carrots. I also take 2 multiviatims daily!
..........Dude, you need to eat more than 1000 calories a day. More like 1500 at the least. When I ate less than 1500 calories a day, I was grumpy all the time and I would get so hungry sometimes that I would go on outrageous binges, and when I ate around a 1000 or so calories, I would get really dizzy all of a sudden and would black out pretty much for a couple of seconds at a time. Plus, when you eat that little, you lose muscle, not fat.
wow that really not a good idea. You're 17 therefore you're still growing and your body needs A LOT more than 1000 calories to do all it needs to do right now. Also your meals seem to lack a lot of nutrients being mostly just vegetables. If you keep this diet you're going to get sick! Plus, if your body is feeling its starving (which it would inevitably be the case if you keep this diet) it would immediately slow down your metabolism and store everything it can as fat, defeating your purpose

Im a 5 ft girl, and even I cant eat less than 1200 if i want to lose weight. You might want to talk to a good doctor so he'll let you know how much calories you should be consuming.
Hey, I jsut got back from a quick workout and Ate some salmon. I decided to eat more calories cause I find my self fatigued as well as almost I am wasting my time cause I am not building musle. Hopefully I find it in me to Jog at 6 AM tommrow!
I second everything everyone else said. In fact Im going to say it again.

I work with many high school age people and older and one thing I know for a fact is right now your body is developing more then at any other time in your life. You have a new chemical in your body called testosterone that actual relies on you to consume enough calories and nutrients to do its job.

I’m not sure what your fitness goals are, but most of the people your age that I work with either want to gain muscle, speed, power or endurance. You won’t gat any of that if you don’t eat the right foods. And enough of the right foods. If you keep this kind of diet up you could end up with an eating disorder or fat.

Hope that helps
thats v ery true. Last nigh I was up late around 2 and unfourchantly I didnt Run in the morning liike i said I whould but I ended up waking up at 1 and ran to my highschool about a half mile away and ran the track and Played football for about 3 and half hours. Came Home and ate some Fruite and Carrots. Drank alot of water today. HOpefull I burned all of it off. I AM NOT HUNGRY AT ALL! I also lost 2 pounds but I was wearing all my cloths and just drank b4 my weigh in!
whatAREtheEVENS, it was weird reading your post because I used to be you. When I graduated from highschool I was 255 pound (6 feet tall). I eventually ballooned to over 330 pounds.

I tried every diet, pill, and shake out there. I tried starving myself and eating under 1000 calories a day. It wasn't until I was 25 that I realized you can't lose weight fast, if you want to keep it off. I now weigh under 200 (still 6 feet).

I would suggest you aim to lose 1 pound a week every-week for the rest of the year. I know at 17, a year seems like a long time but it will fly by. Slow and steady always wins the weight-loss race.
You should also be eating 1800 - 1900 calories a day.

To lose fat:

Strength train for 30 – 45 minutes, 2-3 times a week

Cardio for 30 minutes, 2-3 times a week
Get a pedometer and walk 10,000 steps a day

Eat enough protein.
Limit your consumption of white foods: white bread, white sugar, white potatoes, white pasta and white rice.
Limit your consumption of saturated fats and trans fats.

The best strength training exercises:

Squats – Lower Body
Lunges – Lower Body
Push-ups – Chest & Triceps
Pull-ups/Chin-ups – Back & Biceps
Shoulder Press – Shoulders & Triceps
From your last post, it sounds like you are trying to "trick" the weigh-ins (wearing lots of clothes to sweat)? But you also say you are drinking lots of water... You don't need to make yourself sweat. That's not really helping. Just do your weigh-ins at the same time each day (or each week). I prefer to do mine first thing in the morning (before any morning poop) heh. That way it won't be high from just eating a meal or whatnot and I don't have to stress at all about it.

You should really target at least 1800 calories a day if you weigh 250#. That way, if you did no exercise (which I'm not recommending, just giving you an idea), you would lose 1000 calories a day, or 2 pounds per week.
Yeah I used to be just like you too, at that age. Not eating or barely eating doesn't work, trust me. If you do lose any weight by eating less than 1k calories, you will probably gain it back quickly. Eat more, and I agree with everyone that posted above me as well.