How a beginner can gain muscle and stay healthy

Hey guys I JUST registered and I'm coming to you guys in need of help. Before I begin I would like to introduce myself, my name is Vince, I'm 14 years old weighing in at about 130lbs and at a height of 5' 9''. I'm hoping to gain a lot more muscle and get healthy but after reading on the forums I'm only more confused than I was before lol.

So anyways, I'm curious on what kind of workouts should I do and how long and often should they be? I understand that there is no set workout out there and that I need to keep things new and fresh if I hope for the workouts to be both effective and interesting. I'd like to mention that I do have access to a gym if it is necessary.

Also, what should my diet be like? I'm not really looking to lose weight and I also don't see how I can eat 5 meals a day with school just around the corner. I've read that a lot of protein is improtant but I was hoping that I wouldn't need to use any supplements or pills in order to get the necessary amount. Will chicken, eggs, tuna, and other protein rich foods do the trick?

Furthermore, I have looked into P90x but I heard mostly bad things about it at my age plus the diet doesn't seem to be made for teenagers. What do you guys think?

I am a certified personal trainer with a certification to train teenagers. But it's so very hard to give accurate advice to a teenager via internet, it demands proper assessment though you are still growing. I can give you some pointers though. First of all, do not do p90x, you are too young and that program is not healthy at all, for anyone. You do not need to do supplements, quality food is good enough. As a teenager you need to eat carbs, protein and fat to every meal. I understand that eating every 3 hours is hard when in school, but if you can eat a sandwich with chicken or fruit between classes. It's important to eat and eat at regular times if you want to gain muscle mass.

With exercising you need to avoid working out in heat and you need to drink a lot of water, teenagers tend to get more dehydration compared to an adult. You also need to avoid performing high intensity training, teenagers needs more rest than an adult in between sets and while running. Teenagers needs to progress slowly, rather shorter sessions up to 5 times per week.
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It's best to get a Personal trainer for a session or two and then do it yourself from there. There's so many options so it's hard to say without meeting you.
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Yes, stay away from P90X. It's is primarily intended as a weight loss tool. You REALLY need to stick with basic free weight exercises along with plenty of QUALITY food. How often should you workout? You are at the one point in your life where your body can probably absorb as much as you can throw at it. As long as your workouts are balanced (as much rowing as benching, as much ham work as quad), you should be fine with hitting the gym as often as your muscles will let you. If you are eating enough, you will see more progress than you will ever see again in your life.