

New member
Hi everyone,

I know this sounds silly but I get very little time to go to gym so I find the best way to workout is by doing house work.....
I know it won't be as fast as going to Gym but eatting the right foods and the Housework seem to be working for me.
Hoovering, Polishing, Cleaning, Making Bed etc all seem to be a good work out for me.

I will have somthing nice for dinner like a Cupa Soup or Fruit or somtimes a Light Pizza(Not a full one!)
I also walk to town norm takes 15 mins each way which is good,
I will treat myself to some wine once every 2 weeks.

I live in a apartment too so sadly theres no stairs >.<
I do get to do some light exercise too like star jumps and running on the spot when I get time but it's rare.

I really like Cupa Soups ^.^ 63 cals and full you up! ^.^

I know it's not as good as most ppls work outs but I trying my best.
Try to make time for exercising.Only repetitive movements done in series can make you fit.If houseworking would be so efficient for losing weight then we'd see many slim house wifes.Sure, it helps (you lose weight and your house is clean :) ) ,but a healthy weight loss is when you eat healthy food and you exercise regulary to prevent muscle tissue loss. I look at my mother who is a cleaning fanatic,does housework all day and yet, she's not losing any weight.Reaserching, i discovered the answer, it is the one stated above.
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I've worked as a housecleaner for years, cleaning houses 8hrs a day and I would still need to diet AND exercise because the house work wouldn't do much for me!

like anything your body gets use to everyday movements and after a while things are easy. That is why the gym is so useful because you can keep mixing it up and pushing through the levels of fitness.

There are exercises you can do at home!
15 minute walk

Well if it works for you... I understand you watch what you're eating pretty strictly too, and this 15 minute walk if fast can be a good exercise too.
Maybe you don't even know but you're doing something right. It doesn't have to be the housework