So, since I dont want to go outside in the insane cold weather during the weekends(my gym is closed on weekends...ERR!!!), I started cleaning the house a bit(gives me a good excuse)....was wondering how long should I clean to consider it a workout>? do you guys consider housework/cleaning apart of your regime when you cant make it to the gym>?
If you cannot go outside, and do not fret! You always have a machine available to workout: YOUR BODY, and merely performing body weight exercises. And, your source for finding these, are right at your finger tips.
Your body: Its all put together, and ready to rock, with just a tad inventive with things around the house.
Three things can be your friend then:
1. Your imagination (and mind), 2. Your body weight, 3. The yearning of education within the basics and advanced basics of diet and fitness; An on-going continued pursuit.
These links may provide some useful information
The Ultimate Bodyweight Exercises Archive for Strength Training and Body Toning
Bodyweight Exercises - Mike Mahler - Bodyweight Exercises For Size & Strength!
Additional examples:
Back (and other muscle recruitment):
Grab a broom stick (or a mop handle, or something similar), and do an inverted row (wide and narrow grip). Slap the handle between two chairs, crawl underneath (face up), and pull (overhand grip or underhand grip).
Or 4 chairs, two broom sticks, and step in between them, and do dips, bending at the knees.
Eventually if you need more weight, fill a water jug with water (sand if available). If you have weight baring objects around the house. Just about anything that has weight to it will work (if small enough). When adding weight you could put your feet up on the chair, and allow the weight to rest near the core, as you pull up.
Chest (and other muscle recruitment):
Two mop handles (or something similar), get two chairs (if you have telescoping ones or some that can go higher than waist high--the better), and do dips (bending at the knees).
Additionally, you could use a series of chairs for various kinds of push ups, triceps exercises (such as reverse dips, etc)
Hey, I go on business trips, and sometimes do not have access to my home equipment, but.....I have access to a hideaway walker, that opens up to chest high, and I sure can bust out some DIPS on it......huh ha!
I got the idea a few weeks ago, from my In-law (who is 75 years old), that uses a walker to get around, and I started to look at it, and said to myself, hey, I could use this to bust out some dips! So, I had to test it, ya, know......So I started to bust out some dips (bending at the knees)---not to the pleasantries of my wife who was on looking.
I can provide other information, of you want.....just let me know!
Best wishes